•12: In Equilibrium•

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|Chapter Twelve|

Sharon's POV

The evening was quiet and the air was tranquil as we trekked the twenty-minute walk from school to the street where we lived. By we, I meant Samuel and me. Dami had gone home one hour ahead of us to start dinner. Her mum was usually still in her mini supermarket till 7pm when she came back home most of the time. 

I waited for Sam to finish his football practice with the other guys and we walked home together afterwards. Someway, somehow, we had fallen into this routine since ten days ago when the school choir rehearsals began. On days when he had football practice, he would come late for rehearsals, and we'd leave together for the Government Reserved Area where we lived. On other days when there was only choir rehearsal or football practice, we still did the same. Because of these evening walks, I had something to look forward to at the end of every school day. 

And we were getting closer, too.

I looked up at him when he kicked a rock away from his path. There were only a few cars since we exited the school's compound, and so, there was little noise and honking. I knew Sam hated noise. He liked quietness unless it was on the football field, or in church, or at rehearsals. Even his music choice was as soothing as it was inspiring. 

"What's making you frown?" I questioned in a blurt.

"Huh?" He glanced at me. "Me?"

My smile was as sugary as it was sarcastic. "Nah. Me. Now, tell me what is going on in that handsome head of yours?"

Sam laughed and shook his head intermittently. "Sharon."

He glanced at me and faced the road again. Two lovely young women were taking a stroll or probably running an errand. Sam greeted them as they passed us. I bowed my head slightly in respect. 

"What?" I asked in a teasing tone when the women were behind us. 

He looked at me, a smile in his eyes already. They searched my face in a swift moment before he directed his gaze to the street. He kicked another small rock, but the smile had taken over his entire face. I glanced at the ground to avoid tripping on a piece of gravel. 

"Now, what's making you smile?" I nudged him lightly on the ribs with a smile of my own. That smile made my heart thunder. 




My smile magnified on my lips. I bit the lower one before talking. "That means you were lying when you said nothing."

"What?" He paused, and then, he laughed. "Shar!" He accused. I shrugged and jogged a few paces ahead, the sweet sound of our merriment floating around me. 

"Your answer, not mine!" I called. 

I noticed he was still walking at his usual speed, so I slowed down, giggling to myself. 

"Watch out," the soft voice in my ear warned. 

Still wrapped up in my exuberance, I was slow. "Huh?"

Too late. The attack of tickles came to my sides, and I laughed, cried and pleaded all at once. Until I started to gasp, Sam refused to let me go. The gleam in his hazels was almost savage. 

As soon as I caught my breath, I looked in his eyes seriously. "It's on, Ephraim."

The way his eyes went big was so comical, I almost chuckled. I could tell he was being dramatic and teasing me. "Uh-oh, she called me Ephraim."

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