•13: In-Sane•

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This chapter is dedicated to @dreamxwang for the beautiful cover at the top. The fact that I still use this cover years after shows how special it is.

|Chapter Thirteen|

Sharon's POV


The classroom was more silent than a graveyard. So whoever it was was a fool to think he couldn't be heard.

It was the third day of midterm tests, and we were writing the most complicated of all; Mathematics. As was the custom in Prescott High, the teachers who taught us a certain subject in class could not perform invigilating duties during tests or exams. Which was why the English teacher Mrs Abudu, with her swishing, flowery midi skirt, shoulder length bob weave and Chelsea boots was standing in front of Dami's desk, eyes watchful and inspecting. Mr Clement, our Math teacher was off the scene.

My hands flipped the question paper over, my brain going to work on the next question. As I scribbled down the solution on my answer sheet, the hissing sound from the back of the class came to my ears again.

"Psst! Psst!"

I frowned. Someone from SOJ's group of morons was cheating. Couldn't Mrs Abudu hear them?

I dismissed the thought hurriedly, working to complete the forty quiz questions before I ran out of time.

"Ten minutes more," Mrs Abudu announced in a menacing voice that sent chills down my spine. An unwanted image of Uncle Mark and Mayowa in front of my current home sprang in my mind unbidden. This had been happening since last week when Uncle Mark came by. My imaginations turned into bad dreams. Dreams that ended with Mayowa finding me and flashing that maniacal grin. I slammed my hand on my desk, breathing hard.

"Any problem?" Mrs Abudu's voice came from above me. I didn't look up.

"No problem, ma'am."

"Good." She strolled away in another direction, her eyes glancing my way from time to time.

I didn't look at any other person. I knew I'd shocked the class, judging from the light gasps.

I stared at my papers, all strength leaving me with a breath.

"Be of good cheer..." The words of Jesus to every born again Christian. A prayer whispered from my heart into the ears of the Most High.

Help me to silence the voice of fear, and bless me with a cheerful spirit, Lord, in Jesus' name.

"Three minutes more!" Now, the English teacher sounded super excited to leave. I suppressed a chuckle.

It was when I turned over the papers to Mrs Abudu that I knew I'd smiled for three straight minutes. Jesus was truly working wonders.

I waited in my seat as Mrs Abudu moved round, taking everyone's sheets. My eyes met Dami's twinkling eyes the colour of honey in the sun. She stretched her hand up for a high five. I eagerly clapped hers.

"Number three was what?"

I grinned. "The one on Polynomials?"

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