The new home

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  • Dedicated to Sarah my little sister

Readers of wattpad, this is one of my first stories on wattpad so go easy on me.  This story started as just a small idea that's plot grew inside my mind.  I hope you enjoy this story that I put my heart into. 

Copyright- Amy 

Chapter 1: The new home

I sit in the backseat of my grandparents car next to my crying brother.  I don't blame him, I mean for a kid who just went to a parents funeral for the second time I am surprised he is handling it this well.  I would be crying too but for some reason tears elude me.  The thing I am doing is trying not to shake because I am thinking about the last time I was at my grandparents house.  It was two years ago when I was 15 yet I still remember everything that happened that night.  I wish I didn't remember, I wish I could forget what happened between us but I know I never will.  My biggest hope is that he isn't here because he is, well I don't know what I will do.  I told him things I have never told anyone.  Not even the person I trust the most in the world, my little brother.  I watch out the window as we pull up a long brick driveway while comforting my brother in my embrace.  We pull up to my grandparents large white manchine that is beautiful especially with the spot lights showing it off.  I exit the car and head straight into the room that I know will be mine.  I unpack the things I put in my over night suitcase.  I put on a pair of pajamas, brush my teeth, and wash my face.  I leave the large bedroom and I go across the hall to where my brothers room is.  His lights are turned off and he's lying on his back on his bed staring at the ceiling.  I walk over to him and kiss him on the forehead.  This act may have bothered him before but tonight he dosen't seem to mind.  I sit on the edge of his bed and brush his hair away from his eyes with my fingertips.  I'm about to leave when something comes out of his thirteen year old mouth that I didn't expect to hear.

 " Can you stay in here until I fall asleep,"  he asks looking at me.

 I nod my head and then climb into the bed beside him.  He closes his eyes and I hear his breath begin to slow down as he falls asleep.  Within minutes I'm letting the sleep take over me as well.  I let it take me into a land of dreams and fairy tales.  The last thought that goes through my head before I fall asleep is 'sweet dreams Blake.'  

***** dream ****** 

I stand in the middle of a field.  In front of me I see my brother, dead.  Tears roll down my face when i see this.  Why did this have to happen, he was the only family I had left.  I look closer at him and see that there's a bullet wound in his stomach.  His shirt that was probably once white is now red because of his blood.  I feel something press against the back of head.  I turn around instinctively and I see a person completly covered in black pointing a gun at me.  

" Don't move," says a deep male voice.

 I stand still and wait to see what happens next.  The man begins to taunt me and I decide to do something I never thought I would do.  I run and the man fires the bullet but it never hits me.

How was it? Do you think I should continue on with the story?  Please comment and tell me your opinoins.  

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