The first competition

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I'm really sorry for the long wait for this update. I finally figured out which way I'm going to go with this story. I made this chapter extra long to make up for it. Please enjoy the story I put my heart into.

The next couple of weeks were spent getting used to the new town and school.  It was also spent helping my brother grieve.  Natalie has been choreographing a dance for Nathan and I.  In her words,'Were going to knock everyone's socks off with our talent at the next competition.'  We're dancing to one of my favorite songs someone like you by Adele.  We are going to a competition this today and I don't know if we are ready yet.  In the easiest words you could say that me and Nathan don't exactly like each other very much.  I can't stand him and he hasn't even made a comment on the thing that must not be spoken.  He knows and I can see the pity in his eyes when he's with me and I hate it.   

The one thing I have to admit is that he can dance and we are a power house team. Natalie says we bring a feeling to the dance that wasn't even supposed to be in the dance in the dance in the first place but makes it ten times more powerful then she ever thought it could be.  In other words she loves us and the way we dance.  Like I said before Nathan and I don't like each other very much but I guess that's what makes the song go with the story its trying to tell.  I think that it's supposed to be about  a girl telling her ex that she will find someone that she will be as happy with as she was with her.  When they meet later in the future it sounds like he's married and she is reminded about her times with him when they were in high school.  She clearly is still in love with him but is trying to move past it.  At least that is my interpretation of the song.  I guess this relates because she is kinda trying to forget him but she can't.  I am trying to forget and ignore Nathan but I just can't.

There is too much that has me connected to him which makes it pretty much impossible for me to ignore him. Nathan and I are waiting in the greenroom and are going over the number one more time before we go on stage. Half of my hair is braided on the sides into a pony tail and its actually really pretty. I hear a buzzing sound which means there is five minutes until we go on stage.

"Okay, remember just to go out there and do your best. This is your first competition together so, um, just try your best." Natalie said a little shakily.

I nodded agreeing to what she was saying.

Nathan and I walk with each other to the backstage and wait for our cue to enter.

"Number 126 Nathan and Madison performing too Someone Like You."

Nathan walks out onto the stage to get into his beginning pose and its show time.

Once the time for my entrance comes I let myself get engulfed in the story. Moving myself through each move barely thinking about it and just letting the instinct take over. I guess this is how you know that your not just good at something and that you love it. When you don't have to think about it and you can just react by instinct.

By the end of the performance my blood was pumping with adrenaline and once I got backstage I smiled the biggest I have smiled in a long time.

Natalie had tears in her eyes when I saw her and she gave me a big hug. "

After that she whispered into my right ear, "This is why I love my job."

Nathan comes backstage and gives his mother, who's arms are still wrapped around my back, and me a weird look before shrugging it off.

"Good job out there," he says to me once his mother stopped hugging me.

"You too." I respond before looking down at my feet.

From my left I hear Natalie say, "I really don't get you two."

If only she knew the real reason we were always so awkward around each other.


For the rest of the time before the awards ceremony. We sat in the lobby of the theater where the competition was hosted and at Subway. I know your probably thinking that wow you guys must ate Subway for quite a long time if your completion was right before Lunch and awards were at six. Well, then you have never eaten Subway with people with Nathan and Natalie. I'm going to have to guess that someone in their was allergic to gluten or something because the way they reacted to that sandwich was unbelievable.

I've never seen anyone get that interested in a sandwich before. Everytime Natalie bit into her sandwich she moaned and Nathan had this look of pure happiness in his eyes. They defiantly took their time eating their sandwiches.

I however, sat their confused as they seemed to form a close relationship with their sandwiches. I repeat INTIMATE relationship with a sandwich. I don't think I have ever seen anything weirder.

By the time they were finished it was an hour til awards. They took 3 hour to eat a SANDWICH. Am I the only one that finds this incredibly annoying.

We just kinda sat their awkwardly for the next half hour or so while Natalie tried to start a conversation which usually died quickly.

Then it was time for awards. Nathan and I sat on stage while they started doing awards. I kinda zoned out until they mentioned the 15-18 duet category.

I listened carefully as the announcer spoke, "Third place, with 284 points, goes to Marissa and Gabriela with Explosion. Second place, with 288 points, goes to Gavin and Haley with A thousand years. First place, with 293 points, goes too Nathan and Madison with Someone Like You."

I was in complete shock when Nathan went up to accept our trophy. We had won.

Hope you enjoyed. Since schools coming to a quick end I'll be able to update more often. PEACE!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2015 ⏰

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