Brother there's nothing I wouldn't do for you

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  • Dedicated to My annoying sister

This chapter is mostly about the connection between Blake and Madison, brother and sister.  In my opinion there is no stronger bond then that between siblings.  Sure mune gets on my nerves alot but I still love her and I would probably do anything for her.  Even after she yells at me for laying in my bed just typing away on my laptop instead f doing chores with her.  Enjoy the story I put my heart into.

Copyright- Amy

After an hour of working with Nathan you can see why I might be a little annoyed with him.  Every time I made a single mistake in a dance move he made a big deal about it which made me want to slap him.  He made up a nickname for me which was Little Mad just so that he would annoy me.  The worst one, however, was when he gave me a sympathetic look and then stayed silent.  That wasn't as annoying as it was a reminder that he knows everything that's happened with my family and that other thing.  I don't like to think about that other thing it's better not to. 

"Okay that's it for today," Natalie says and I sigh in relief. 

She worked us hard and I haven't been in an actual dance team since I was fourteen.  It felt great though to be dancing like this.  Doing the thing that my life relied on for a couple years.  I packed up my back pack and went up to the front to catch a ride home with Haley and Diamond.  They were really nice and I think that we have the possibility to become close friends in the future.  I don't know if I'll ever fully open up to them about my past but that's irrelevant.  

I still don't know what to think about Nathan.  He hasn't confronted me or given anyone any indication that we actually knew each other.  Of course not very well but in someways in personal level.  He was there that night.  He saw everything that happened to me, yet he still acts like he dosen't know.  I climb into the back seat of Haley's car and we spend the next hour or so at the local coffee shop which apparently Diamonds family owns.  I headed back to my grandparents house after a little while.  The first thing I did after I walked through the door was go up to my brothers room where I knew he would be.  

He lay on his bed with ear plugs in his ears.  His eyes were closed and he seemed very calm.  I sat there and stared at him for awhile and after a while I came to the conclusion that he was sleeping.  He looked so at peace when he was sleeping.  I never noticed it before but that was because before there wasn't a big difference between his sleeping state.  Now days he seems more depressed. His face changed quickly too a state of pain and then he shoot straight up breathing heavily.  I hugged him and started whispering how it was all just a dream in his ear.  He calmed down and laid back down on his bed. 

"I don't understand whats going on with me I can't go long without freaking out or crying when there's not much going on around me."  Blake said.  "I'm exhausted and I barely got any sleep last night." 

"I know neither did I, try to get more sleep right now and I promise I'll be here the entire time." I told him sincerely. 

He nodded and laid back down and fell back to sleep.  I kept my word and I watched him I counted his breathing patterns and traced patterns on his skin.   I love my brother more then anything and I will always remember these moments where he let me protect him instead of the other way around.  When he acted vulnerable and not big and strong like always.  I also miss that side of him because after all hes been through I worry about him a lot.  I worry about what might be going through his head and what he might do to stop all of the grief.  I know hes capable of doing that to himself I just hope he won't.  He is the only person left in life that I actually truly love.  I let him sleep until I heard my grandmother shouting at us to go downstairs to get some pizza for dinner.  

I shook him awake and we ate dinner.  I looked into his eyes and I could see the bags forming under his eyes and I saw the sadness on his face.  After dinner I walked with him into his room and we talked about our parents for a little while.  I showed him the scrapbook I made right before mom died.  We had our own little memorial service.  We remembered every family vacation.  Every time they held our hand at the doctors office.  Every time we celebrated a birthday with them. It was a night of remembrance and a much needed one for my brother.  I slept in his bed again and we left ourselves in the hands of our dreams.

Please comment and vote.  I really want to know if people are actuelly liking this.  I don't know how good it is from others eyes.  I will try to update soon.  PEACE!!!

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