The meeting

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  • Dedicated to My third grade teacher who was the first one to get me writting

Here is the update that you have been waiting for, maybe. Enjoy the story that I put my heart into.

Copyright- Amy

When I walked through the door of Mr. Gill's science class I didn't know what to expect.  Just as Haley and Diamond had said there was a ring of animal pictures surrounding it.  He didn't have the most normal appearance either.  He looked young probably in his early thirties, he wore big glasses with frames that were way to big to even look slightly normal.  He had short red hair and overall he just looked weird.  I walked up to him cautiously hoping that he was actually my teacher and not some crazy sicko that was in my science class.  

"Hi," I said shyly.

" Oh, hi you must be Madison my new student why don't you just go take a seat next Nathan over there," Mr. Gill said pointing to a boy who was sitting at a table in the third row on the left side.

His name sounded familiar and I knew where I had heard it before, but that couldn't be him could it?  He looked up from his notebook raising his hand and as soon as I saw him I took in a sharp breath.  His windswept black hair was the same, his blue eyes were the same.  He looked the same as he had two years ago at the party.  He clearly recognized me too because his eyes widened.  I don't think he expected to ever come face to face with me again.  I wonder if he had been thinking about me as much as I had been thinking him.  I took a seat next to him and payed attention to Mr. Gill who was starting the lesson for today.  Nathan began tapping his pencil on the table and after a while it got annoying.  

"Would you stop it," I whisper at him through gritted teeth finally having enough of the annoying noise he was making. 

"What," he asked innocently because he thought that if he played innocent I wouldn't be as mad at him. 

" That tapping noise that you kept making," I whisper yell at him.

He stops the noise and I focus my attention back onto the board.  Mr. Gill was talking about the different types of star and what makes them different.  It's boring if you ask me but his teaching had some of the kids on the edge of their seat.  that's what I get for bring smart I get to learn with all the nerds and Nathan. No offense to anyone in advanced classes. 

" Now class tonight I want you to research a famous inventor with your table partner," Mr. Gill says and I realize that were doing inventions in science. 

Great, just great. Then the bell rang. 

" Hey great seeing you again but I have to go to," I glance down at my class schedule " advanced history but I''ll see ya."  

I rush out of the class room and across the hall to my history class which I had figured out by looking at the sign above it that said the teachers name.  Then I see Nathan walk in, you have got to be kidding me,  I don't know why but this continued the rest of the day.  I had every stinking class with Nathan and  couldn't have been madder.  I mean it was just my luck that I had every single class with the person I was trying to avoid.  In the last class which was gym we played dodge ball.   had a couple of classes with Haley and diamond and gym was one of them.  I didn't tell them about the whole Nathan situation for all they know i met him in science.  Honestly the deal between me and Nathan only had to be heard by me or him.  Its kind of personal and usually haunts my dreams at night.

The dodge ball game was continuing and both teams seemed to be equally evened out.  Nathan and Haley were on the other team, yet Haley was already out.  Diamond and I were on the other team and Diamond was already out.  I think that they purposely got out but sports don't seem to be very good at sports except maybe dance judging by the spins they were doing before gym.  I love dance it i is probably the only thing that got me through what happened two years ago.  It calms down my nerves and it makes me just plain happy.

There's only two people left on my team some weird guy with spiky red hair and me.  On the other team is Nathan.  I watch as the red hair guy bends down to pick up a ball and a flying red ball comes flying red ball comes out him.  I'm about to warn him but then it hits him and its to late.  Now it's just me and Nathan and the only thoughts running through my head are you got to be kidding me.  he stares me in the eye for a second and then he through the ball he's holding. I jump out of the way and it hits the wall behind me. 

" you can do it Madi," Haley screams from the bleachers. 

Honestly I don't think I ca but I am going to at least try to get him out and win for my team. He through another ball I duck down and it fly's above my head.  I stand up and stare into his blue eyes.  One more ball comes flying towards me at stomach level.  It is not as hard as the rest were and I decide to take my chances and try to catch it.  It hits my stomach and I hear everyone gasp while I wrap my arms around it as tightly as I can. I close my eyes and then open them and I realize something I just won a game of dodge ball.  This was defiantly a new thing for me wining a sport against a boy that was defiantly better st it the me, 

" Nice catch," Nathan says and then the bell rings.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.  I will try to update soon.  If you are getting bored with this story because I bet some of you are don't worry this story gets exciting soon.  PEACE!!!

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