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"Well what are you waiting for?! Take those shackles off of him." I yelled while crossing my arms in annoyance.
The king a.k.a my dad gave the authorization to free Jungkook completely.

"So how have you been Seokjin?" He asked giving me a slight smile. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.
"Like you care."

"Woah woah woah, hold on a second. How can you be a siren? How can I be a siren?! It doesn't make any sense...None of this makes any sense!" Jungkook said after wiping the few remaining tears from his cheeks.

I sat down next to him and patted his head. "You have no idea how difficult it was to fake my reactions. Truth is, I also knew Taehyung was a merman the first fee seconds I laid eyes on him."

Taehyung stood there starring at me with a shocked expression.
I sighed heavily. "You don't have to worry, alright? Sirens aren't what you think."

"Y-you say that...but I've seen it! I've seen one eat a human!" Taehyung exclaimed backing away a little.
"Some eat humans but not mer-people. We derive from the same place. We're practically cousins in a way. And as for you Jungkook, either you're mother is secretly a siren or your father is one."

Now that I think about it, it would make sense that his father would be one...considering the fact that this side of the mountain is where he came.
"Well, before getting into more of our history...how about you two go and eat? You must be starving." The king added while getting up from his throne.


My knees were trembling a little as I kept my head down. I really hope Tae won't be scared of me now... I bit my lower lip to thought of him hating me.
"I'm ...not scared of you, kooki." Taehyung said and suddenly give me a big hug.
I sighed in relief and smiled.

"Y'all actually thought we ate mer-people?" Someone suddenly asked causing Tae and I to turn around.

It was a black haired man walking towards us from the forest. My eyes widen as I realized he was the one who found us last night. He seemed to be in his mid- 40s.
The man laughed and rolled his eyes.
"Scaredy cats."

"Don't be rude." Jin said defensively.

He put his hands up and rolled his eyes again.
"Jihun, care to explain why you were out in the forest last night in the first place?"

The man known as Jihun sighed and shrugged. "I felt like it."
"Don't lie, I know you. You're always up to something."

"I went to his grave." He added before leaving further in the village. I kept starring at him until he eventually disappeared. What an odd person.

"Well, that settles it. How about you three join me for dinner, yea?" The king questioned earning nods from each one of us.
He's all about food. He really is Jin's father.
Let's hope I find mine too. I have so many questions for him.

~Time Skip~

After eating the delicious meal, we sat silently at the table waiting for something to happen.
The king took a sip of his glass of wine and sighed heavily. "You may not return down the mountain tonight. I'll have a rooms ready for you and you may go back tomorrow morning." He stated.

"Why though?" I asked.

"Because at night it isn't safe for anyone. It is one of the most important rules on this whole island. At night, we stay inside." The king explained briefly.

"The forest is enchanted. People don't go missing because of the sirens but because of the forest itself." Jin explained while sending a death glare at his father.

Taehyung also seemed to notice the tension between the two of them. I wonder what happened?


I stood all afternoon on the porch of the little cottage with my arms crossed.
"You good?" Hoseok asked coming outside next to me.
I hummed in response, without taking my eyes off of the mountain.

"He hasn't come back yet?"

I shook my head negatively. "No, he went to get Taehyung and Jungkook."

I could feel the same lump in my throat form. "Is it necessary to go through with our plan? I mean we're practically friends with them now."

J-hope's head hung low and sighed. "Why? Are you having cold feet about it?"

I rubbed my forehead and whispered a slight no.

"They wouldn't understand anyway..."

I nodded in agreement with him.

"Well come on! We can't be outside at night and the sun is going down." J-hope exclaimed heading back into the little cottage.
I sighed again and went back inside.

I hope you'll forgive me after its done...

To be continued

I'm sorrrrry for not updating this quicker...😅
How's quarantine for you guys anyway?

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