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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞: 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐠𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐯𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐬

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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞: 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚
𝐠𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐯𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐬.

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The chatter in the room flows as Maddie taps her hands to the beat of Timber. She takes another swing of her beer as her best friend appears beside her with a bright smile on her face.

"Mads!" Jill greets her, "I don't know why you're sulking in the casino bar since this might possibly your last night of freedom." With the cocktails in front of her, the blonde drowns the drink with Maddie shaking her head.

Maddie grabs the other drink and sniffs it. "I think I might just run away."

Jill, who was clearly drunk, agrees with her by nodding her head. "I agree! I think we'll all do better if you don't—"

Their other friend, Nigel, makes a beeline for Jill and completely ignores the sulking brunette. "Jill!" He exclaims, his brown eyes wide in excitement. "The hot guy we were drooling all over is doing body shots!"

"This I have to see!" Jill says and turns to the reason why they were all there in the first place. "You coming, Mads?"

Having no more energy, Maddie shakes her head. If she didn't find herself in the little dilemma she had, the twenty seven year-old might have joined her friends and have no care where the night was going. But, Maddie knew deep down that she might as well have accepted whatever her parents were putting her through.

Maddie raises her glass and winks. "Maybe next time." With this, her two friends shrug and run off to the male stripper who was now standing on top of the table. She decides it was time for her to go back to her hotel room since it was almost two in the morning.

As Maddie gathers her stuff, she turns around only to bump into a solid wall. When she looked up, it turned out it wasn't a wall but actually a person—a person who had the most amazing ocean blue eyes. Holding her now empty cocktail drink, Maddie's brown eyes go wide as they take in the stranger's stained shirt.

"Shit!" Maddie curses as she hurries to get tissues and hands them over to the handsome stranger. "My fault. So sorry."

He laughs as he accept the paper towels and, once he's done, takes the seat across from her. "It's fine. Why don't you let me buy you a drink?" He offers, "Since you've wasted yours on me."

Reluctantly, Maddie takes the seat from across of him. As he gives her a smile, she could see the little gap between his teeth and he gives her a name. Kelly—quite an odd name for a man. Once the bartender sets their drinks in front of them, he turns to her as Maddie just continues to stare at her lap.

"So, what's your story?" Kelly asks with an eyebrow quirked. "Bachelorette party or just plain-out want some old Vegas fun?"

Maddie shrugs, not in the mood for sharing her sap story to some stranger. "Why does there need to be a story?" She shots back, "I'm just a gal in Vegas."

Kelly raises his glass as a sign of accepting her answer and gives her a wink that made an odd stirring in her stomach. "Then, consider me just a guy who just wants to see a pretty smile on your face."

With his flirting, Maddie shakes her head and, in the process, smiles at his words. No doubt she was also blushing real hard. Kelly claps his hands and returns her smile, "There it is!" Maddie takes a sip of her drink and decides that sleep could wait for just a few more hours. 

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