New Start

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It was around 6 in the morning when Dipper's door opened. He looked over, his mind feigning sleep, to see the silhouette of Mabel in the doorway.

"Hey Mason, mom wants you downstairs." Mabel said. It sounded so unnatural for her to call him that. Dipper nodded, and Mabel shut the door. She had gotten over her sweater phase, and now preferred to wear tight fitting shirts and skinny jeans. Mabel was the most popular girl in their highschool, every guy wanted to date her.

Dipper climbed out of bed and opened his doorway. He peered out into the hallway before walking out and quietly shutting the door. Walking down the hallway, Dipper headed downstairs and into the living room.

Mabel was laying across the couch on her stomach, taking pictures of herself with her phone. Dipper took notice of her, and then walked over to his mother, who was sitting in the armchair, seeming to be studying him.

Their mother was a strict and uptight woman. Her hair was a vivid blonde color, her bright blue eyes seeming to scan into his very thoughts. Dipper always thought he was in trouble whenever his mother looked at him.

"Did you need something?" Dipper asked. He wasn't afraid to be firm when it came to his mom.

"I don't think you should go back to school." His mom stated simply. Dipper gave his mom a look of disbelief.

"What? You can't just cut me off from the world!" Dipper snapped.

"I don't want to risk you getting hurt again. Don't use that tone with me." His mother said strictly.

"Mom, it's going to be unavoidable! I want to have a normal life, this is ridiculous!" Dipper exclaimed in annoyance.

"He has a point." Mabel said. Dipper looked at her in surprise. Mabel cleared her throat and looked back at her phone, glancing to Dipper a few times.

"Mabel, you have no part in this."  Their mother said strictly. Mabel gave a small cough and continued looking at her phone. Their mother turned back to Dipper. "If you go to school, you could get your PTSD triggered."

"That's what the medicine's for!" Dipper groaned. "I'm not some type of prisoner, I'm going to school whether you like it or not!" He snarled. He turned his back and stomped up the stairs before his mother could reply. He walked upstairs, slamming the door to his bedroom.

The sun had just barely peeked over the horizon as Dipper got himself ready for school. Baggy jeans, sweatshirt, and a beanie to cover his messy hair. Wendy's hat lay Dusty and untouched in a corner of Dipper's room. He pulled on his worn sneakers, grabbed his backpack, and headed downstairs.

Mabel was waiting by the front door. She was still on her phone, scrolling through whatever social media she was on. Dipper didn't see his mom. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a banana. He also grabbed his prescription bottle for his panic attacks. He stuffed the bottle in his backpack, then opened the banana and walked to the front door.

He payed Mabel no mind as he walked outside, taking a bite of the banana. Mabel walked behind him. They barely spoke to each other anymore. Dipper pulled his phone out of his backpack, and opened up a game. The two of them headed towards their bus stop.

It's only the beginning of the year, and mom is already suggesting I don't go to school, Dipper thought to himself. It worried him; what if his mom did make him a prisoner? That would just make his PTSD worse. He began playing his game. He just couldn't seem to figure out this one level.

"Mabel!" One of Mabel's many friends called to her as they approached the bus stop. Mabel perked up and shoved past Dipper to get to her friend.

"Claire! Oh my god, I haven't seen you all summer! How was Germany?" Mabel asked Claire as soon as she reached her. Dipper arrived at the bus stop and stood off to the side of the small crowd.

"It was great! All of the stuff there was amazing, you should've been there!" Claire squealed excitedly. She then leaned in to whisper to Mabel. "Did your maniac brother give you too much trouble?"

Mabel rolled her eyes. "He just has PTSD, that's all. He's not crazy." She responded.

Claire huffed. "I wouldn't believe that after what he did to you." She said. Mabel gave her a Stern look before they continued with their conversation.

Dipper had overheard conversations like this from many people, but he'd gotten used to it. He'd become a crazed maniac to everyone because of what happened last year. He continued playing his game as if he hadn't heard.

"It's so lame how you don't have a car, then you wouldn't have to take the bus with him- hey, who's that?" Claire stopped abruptly with her conversation to look past Mabel. Mabel looked behind her. Dipper looked up to see who they were talking about.

Dipper inhaled sharply as his breath caught in his throat. He coughed harshly so he could inhale properly and looked up again, his eyes watering.

A teenager about he and Mabel's age was walking towards their bus stop. He had brown colored skin and black hair, except for his hair on the top of his head, which was yellow-blonde. Dipper couldn't blame them for looking, he was pretty attractive. Wait, Dipper shook his head, why did I just think that?

Dipper coughed again as the mysterious teen walked to Mabel and Claire. The other people at the bus stop didn't really care.

"Hey." The teen said. He smiled shyly at Mabel and Claire. Dipper felt his face heat up and he cleared his throat. What the heck? He'd only acted like this around Wendy before, why was this happening? Maybe it was because his allergies were acting up all of the sudden? Yeah, that was it. Dipper could tell already he wasn't like most of the guys at their school. He was tall and lanky, and had a certain cleanliness air about him. He did wear a yellow vest with a black tie and button up shirt, after all. He seemed a lot more formal than most guys, who were mostly jocks and nerds that never showered.

"H-hey." Claire stuttered. She looked utterly taken aback by his attractiveness.

"Is this the bus stop for Piedmont high school? I think I got a bit turned around back there." He chuckled. Dipper couldn't help but think his timing was perfect.

"Yes it is!" Mabel responded cheerily. "My name's Mabel, this is my friend Claire." She gestured to her friend, who gave a nervous wave. "Are you new here?"

"Yes, actually. I moved here last month." The new guy smiled shyly. "My name's William, but you can call me Will." He said.

Claire gave a nervous squeak. Mabel grinned widely. "Welcome to Piedmont, Will!" She said.

Will smiled. "Thanks, Mabel." He said. He looked around and noticed Dipper was standing alone. "It was nice meeting you, I'll see you around." He said. He then started walking towards Dipper.

Dipper started to mentally panic. This guy was coming towards him really fast and seemed to want to talk to him. No one has talked to him in a while, what was he supposed to do!? He started hyperventilating as he tried to calm himself down. Okay, act cool, don't lose your head and you'll be fine, Dipper thought. Will moved to place himself in front of Dipper

"Hey." Will smiled, putting one of his hands in his jeans pockets.

"Hi," Dipper gulped. "Uh, why are you talking to me?" He asked. He chuckled nervously as he stuffed his hands and phone into his sweatshirt pocket.

Will shrugged. "You looked like you needed someone to talk to." He adjusted his sidebag strap with his free hand.

Great, he's taking pity on me, Dipper thought. "You know, you don't have to talk to me, there's other people here." Dipper made a large gesture to all the other people at the bus stop, chuckling nervously. Mabel was giving Dipper a judgemental glare. Dipper glanced nervously to her.

"I wanted to talk to you." Will responded. "You look interesting." He looked behind him to see what Dipper was looking at. Will gave Mabel a questioning look, before looking back at Dipper. "She's your sister, right?" Will asked.

Dipper hastily nodded. "Why?"

Will leaned down to whisper in Dipper's ear. "She's not in control of what you do, you can always tell her 'no'." He said. The bus pulled up just as Will finished saying this. Dipper stood there in stunned silence as people started getting onto the bus. Will boarded along with them. Dipper processed this as he boarded the bus very last.

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