New Beginnings

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Night had settled over Gravity Falls. However, the town had no desire to sleep. The small community had just lost two of its members. This night would forever be known as the night no one slept in the town.

The teenage girl known as Pacifica Northwest was watching the TV intently. The local news station was reporting on the two missing kids. Nobody knew where they went, they just vanished. It was like the weirdness was returning to Gravity Falls again. Pacifica shivered. Gravity Falls' mysteries had always unnerved her. Now that another one was arising, she couldn't help but feel slightly sick. The last big weird thing that happened was Weirdmageddon. Sure, there was always the weirdness in Gravity Falls, but these disappearances were extra weird. She continued to watch, unable to take her eyes off of the screen.

The last year Mabel and Dipper had returned to Gravity Falls felt like any other summer. Pacifica had gotten to know the twins as very good friends, they helped her discover who she was. However, something had been very wrong with Dipper that year. He'd be anxious and jumped at the smallest of things. He sat with his back against any wall and always had that sense of fear about him. Pacifica had asked him what was going on, but he had basically dodged the question. She had heard from Mr. Pines and Ford that Dipper and Mabel wouldn't be coming back a week after they returned home. She didn't believe it until the very next summer, when they did, indeed, not return. Why hadn't they returned? Pacifica figured out why with a little investigating. Dipper Pines had been diagnosed with PTSD after having a severe panic attack.

Pacifica knew it was true due to how Dipper had been acting the last time she saw him. However, she also felt hurt that they wouldn't be returning. She had gained them as real, true friends to her. And they had just abandoned her. She knew it wasn't their choice, but she couldn't help it.

Pacifica's mother walked into the room. Despite their re-accomadation into their small house back when Pacifica was 13, her mother always attempted to look her best. However, she always looked frazzled now, and rather tense.

"Pacifica, what's you watching?" She asked.

"Two people went missing. Here, in Gravity Falls. The news is covering it." Pacifica said. She turned back to the TV as the news reporter continued to talk.

"...seems that Dakota went missing mere minutes after police interviews. Witnesses say they saw them walk into the trees. However, they never came back out."

"Right here? In Gravity Falls?" Mrs. Northwest looked rather stunned as she sat down next to Pacifica.

"They vanished into thin air. Bryn Taylor and Dakota Chapley." Pacifica said this without looking away.

"The Chapley's live down the street from here. Their poor mother, she's going to be alone now."

"Dakota's not dead." Pacifica clarified. "Just missing. The police will find them and Bryn, I'm sure."

There was a knock at the front door. Pacifica pulled herself away from the TV with difficulty. She headed towards the door and opened it.

Standing there was Gideon Gleeful. He hadn't grown much in size, he was still up to Pacifica's chest in height. However, he finally got rid of that tower of white hair and had a somewhat normal looking haircut. He wore a T-shirt and some jeans, and he was panting to catch his breath. He must have sprinted here.

"What do you need?" Pacifica asked, rolling her eyes. She never liked Gideon much, he was very narcassitic.

"To talk to you, obviously." Gideon said. He sounded a bit annoyed. "You've seen what's on the news, right?"

"It's the biggest news story we've had in years, so obviously I have." Pacifica scoffed.

"You know about my neighbor Mr. Jenkins, then?" Gideon asked.

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