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Pacifica yawned as she laid back on her bed. It had been a week since she and Gideon had escaped the burning house. They both had been hounded with interviews and investigations for the past week. However, no one had believed them when they said what they had found. Nobody could believe that a guy who seemed very sane could do something like that.

The town was a bit chaotic at the moment. With the disappearance of 2 kids and a house burning down for unexplained reasons, this was some of the weirdest stuff that had happened in a long while. Most of the time it was weird creatures spotted in the woods or strange magic popping up. But this was real stuff.

A couple of days ago, Pacifica had gone to visit Ms. Chapley. Most of the town had been generous enough to do various things for her and talk with her. However, she often was in denial that her child had disappeared. As Pacifica had talked to her, she brought up multiple times how Dakota was "just out back playing" or how they were "coming home from work".

This was when Pacifica decided to bring up what she had seen at the house, this had changed Ms. Chapley's perspective completely.  She believed her. She hadn't been there for Weirdmageddon, but she had read about it and heard all of the stories about Bill Cipher. Dakota had been fascinated by him, and she fully believed Pacifica.

"Of course I think they're connected." Ms. Chapley had said after Pacifica had told her about her theories. "The man disappeared, too, but nobody's talking about that."

Pacifica had gone home feeling a bit more encouraged, but also confused.

Now, Pacifica was laying back in bed, thinking over what was going to happen next. She and Gideon hadn't talked, she figured she needed to see him at some point. But when? Well, better now than never.

She sat up and stretched her arms in the air. Hopping of her bed, Pacifica pulled on her shoes and headed out of the room. She headed down the hall and out towards the front room, then she left the house.

The early afternoon was hot, just like summer should be, but not as hot as during June or July. It was pretty late in the season. She started at a brisk pace, making her way towards the Gleeful residence. As she walked, she went over what she was going to say to Gideon in her head. That they needed to work together, and figure out this mystery. Just like Dipper and Mabel would do. They had to get over their past issues and work together.

Pacifica found herself in front of the Gleeful's house a lot sooner than she would've thought. She stared at it for a while, taking in every single detail. It was your average suburban house, with white paint, a garden, a porch. Not really much to look at. Pacifica took a deep breath, before striding up the path to the front of the house.

She stopped on the porch. She held her hand up to the door, willing herself to knock on it three times. Silence. Maybe they weren't home? She hoped they weren't. She stayed there for a little bit, before the door finally opened.

"Oh! Pacifica!" Gideon exclaimed in surprise. Pacifica gave him a stunned look. He was wearing a face mask, a forest green one at that, and his white hair was pinned back. He was wearing PJs, striped PJs that looked like they were from Britain. She gave the small guy a look of disgust.

"What in the world are you doing?" She said, having no other words for this scene.

"Treating myself to a spa day. Being hounded by reporters and police was awful on my complexion." He said, winking. Pacifica made a disgusted noise and stuck her tongue out.

"Listen, I'm going to go and investigate the smoldering ruins of Mr. Jenkin's house. In case you haven't noticed, we're the only witnesses to what happened and we gotta find some evidence." She explained point-blank. "Unless you get your fat ass ready and out here in 15 minutes I'm leaving without you, Kay?"

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