Chapter 2: Waking Up

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A/N: warning a lot of stupidness in this chapter, I think that at least. Oh and since the captured female's pod was opened by force, it triggered an emergency call to the other pods to open up as well.


It was roughly an hour later when the female awoke. When she did, she felt a raging pain in her arms. She tried to lift them to see what was wrong, but she soon found out that she couldn't even move them at all. Not even an inch. She tried to move her legs, but they were in the same situation.

Then a voice came out of the darkness. "Sir. The specimen is awake."

Then another voice came. "Good. Let us begin the procedure."

With a flick of a switch, the room was filled with a bright light. The female was slightly blinded by the light, but soon her eyes became adjusted.

The female tilted her head, being as that's the only thing she can move right now. She didn't recognize her surroundings one bit. While she was looking around, she spotted an 'alien' in her perspective that was a tannish color. The figure was in an all-black skintight armor suit. She was able to tell it was a male by its shape and figure. It also had scars in various spots on its face. It looked at the female with a cocked grin before walking forward. All the while keeping its grin still plastered on its face. It stopped when it was looming over her.

Then it said, "I am Silas." then he looked at her from head to toe. "You're a strange one." Silas said while walking around the examination table that the female was currently strapped to.

Silas continued to walk in circles around the table. It wasn't until after five minutes that he stopped. He lifted his left hand and touched her skin on her right leg. The female let out a soft gasp, then she tried to move her leg away from Silas's hand. Silas cocked his head to the right in curiosity. Then an idea came to his mind. He quickly removed his hand, and upon seeing the female's body relax, he pulled out a pocketknife. He quickly flipped it open with a small click sound.

The female saw this and tensed up slightly. Silas noticed this and put the tip of the blade on the female's left thigh.

"I see you don't take blades to kindly. Don't you?" Silas said while moving the blade down slowly.

The female tensed but didn't scream. However, she let out a small one when he cut her again.


In the rain forest two hours later, the other seven pods started to open with clicks and whirs.

The first pod opened up to reveal a tall male alien. He is covered in all kinds of armor with a variety of weapons. The armor is all black and silver. His skin is a dark tan with tribal markings. His weapons are a war staff, polarity mask, and invisibility.

The next three pods were linked together with various codes. Each pod contained a male. Their skin is not that different from each other's. Their armor is similar as well. The first one's armor is all black and gray. The second one's armor is just all black. The last one's armor is all black with a tint of red. All their weapons are the following: Wrist blades, shoulder gun, polarity mask, dagger and invisibility for the first one. Throwing disc, wrist blades, war staff, polarity mask, invisibility and shoulder gun for the second one. The third one has the same weapons as the second one but doesn't have the throwing disc.

The next pod that opened revealed a female. Her armor is a tribal style. It's red with silver and dried green blood. Her skin is purple with brown and pink markings. Her weapons are wrist blades and a plasma gun. She also uses her claws in battle as well.

The last two pods were also linked together with various codes as well. When those ones opened, they revealed two pale white females. Their armor is built for hunting and fighting. The first one's armor is all black. The second one's armor is all gray with little hints of dark silver. The first one's weapons are wrist blades and her very own custom built war staff with skulls on its top. The second one's weapons are wrist blades and her custom-built swords.

All seven of them gathered in a semicircle below a jungle-oak tree. Their leader, the one with the black and silver armor, looked at his six warriors and - wait six warriors? One was missing. He stated his observation out loud.

"Where is Blackangel?"


A/N: see you all in chapter three~

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