Chapter 3: Examination Begins

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A/N: welcome to chapter three everyone! Okay I have rewritten this in my book who knows how many times and now I think it's good enough, oh and Blackangel has a dream/flashback here real soon, enjoy. Oh and sorry for the long wait.


Silas had left the room with his men a while ago. It has been over two hours since he left and Blackangel ended up falling asleep within the time of him being gone. She was currently dreaming about the day when she was seventeen and minding her own business and then ended up meeting another Hish warrior by the name of Bet-Karh.

>>Inside of Dream<<

A young Yautja female warrior from the Hish clan was currently walking to her little hideout in the forest near a populated area carrying a metal crate. Inside the crate were supplies for a mission that she was bent on getting done. She got to her hideout and set the crate down and went to get one of her blades to open it up.

While she was so focused on her current task, she hadn't noticed the extra presence until he made himself known.

"So, this is where mystery girl lives."

After hearing the voice, she stopped and turned around holding her blade firmly in her hand ready to strike if necessary.

"Whoa! Easy there! Could you please put that blade down before you break something?"

"What are you doing here!"

"Oh, right... um," the male just shrugged, "guess you could just say that I was curious about you since you're rarely around where I live and-"

"That doesn't explain why you're here." she interrupted him.

"Like I said I was just curious. I can leave if you want me to."

She looked at him for a little bit and then lowered her blade, still holding it she said, "Leave, now."

"Alright. Can I at least know your name?" he asked.

While he had been talking, she turned around to open the crate that had her supplies in it, "... Why?"

"Well, I don't know actually. I mean-"


"... What?"

"You asked my name. It's Blackangel." Blackangel said while not facing him still.

"'Blackangel'. That's an interesting name."

"Can you leave now?"

Chuckling softly the male turned around and started walking off, right before he left though, he said, "I'm Bet-Karh by the way." and then he left.

>>Outside of Dream<<

The sound of a door slamming open interrupted Blackangel's dream. Even though she was awake, her captors couldn't tell due to her mask. Then one she hadn't seen before walked up to her.

While the new male 'alien' looked at her, he asked the men behind him, "This is the specimen?", then with a quick flash of a devious smile, he added, "I wonder, does she bleed?"

Blackangel hadn't been paying attention to what they were saying or doing. As a result, she failed to notice that the new male 'alien' had grabbed the nearest sharp object. Then in one quick motion, he stabbed it right through her right shoulder, making it not only pierce all the way through, but it also scraped against her shoulder bone. That had gotten her out of her trance-like state. She didn't scream, as a result, because she didn't want to give them the satisfaction of her being in pain. The male noticed this and pulled the sharp object out too harsh for her comfort.

Again, she didn't scream. Seeing this, the guy walked over to another one and said a command to him in Spanish, his accent terrible. Blackangel didn't know what he said or why, but she got her answer when the Hispanic male walked over to a table with a white cover over it. He pulled it off to reveal various sharp objects and surgical tools. He picked up a sharp as hell blade and a scalpel, walked towards her, and stopped in his tracks when he was standing on the left side of where Blackangel was at.

The Hispanic male looked at the small groups' leader, waiting for the order to proceed. A nod of the head indicated that he could continue. Blackangel had been able to get the mental link with her mask up and connected it to her plasma gun, which was laying on a table not that far from the rooms entrance. The guy that had been standing to her left finally made his move, by using his sharp as hell knife to cut her along the ending of her shoulder to the halfway point on her arm. Now, even though Blackangel wasn't screaming on the outside, she was screaming in pain on the inside. The pain only got worse once the guy used the scalpel to create a big gash on her left arm, on the top of the cut as well.

The man said something in Spanish, probably about her blood, or the fact that she wasn't screaming still. Blackangel took that small distraction to tilt her head back.

The Hispanic male looked at her and said in Spanish, "What is she doing?", then he leaned down to look at her closer.

Big mistake for him, once he was only a few inches away, Blackangel moved her head up fast and hit it against his. Not only did he yell out in pain, but he also fainted while bleeding from the forehead.


"I can see that she's not here Imagery!"

You see after the leader of the hunting group had asked where Blackangel was, Imagery, the purple one, had said that she wasn't here and before she could continue she got interrupted by said leader.

"If you had let me finish before you started yelling at me loud enough for the whole planet to know that we're here you would've heard this part! Like I said she's not here, because her ship was shot down."

"How do you know?" one of the pale white females asked.

Imagery turned to face her, "Why else would we be awake earlier than when we were supposed to be. Not that I don't mind Ka-Jalk, but still."

Ka-Jalk just looked away and turned to walk away from the group and let them figure the rest out. The other pale white female went after her soon after that.



Ka-Jalk just kept walking ignoring the calls from the other female following her. That however was proven useless as the other one caught up to her in no time and got her to stop by grabbing her by the arm.

"What?! La-Pol just leave me alone and go away already!"

Momentarily surprised at Ka-Jalk's outburst towards her, La-Pol said calmly, "Would you please just come back with me to the others?"

"Why should I?"

"Well for one, we're both new hunters and don't know what to expect on this planet, and two, I promised mom and dad that I wouldn't let you out of my site while we're here."

Sighing in defeat Ka-Jalk nodded and started to walk with her sister back to where the others are at, unknown to them, two figures had watched them leave.

"There's more of us?" one asked.

"By the looks of it, yes, there is." said the other.


A/N: there you have it, and yeah Blackangel isn't really social and doesn't like when people follow her. CLIFFHANGER AGAIN! I'm really happy that this one was longer than the first two chapters. Chapter four coming soon~

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