Chapter 4

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School went by quickly and before long, the dreaded detention finally came with no other than Ethan. I had spent the whole day praying that Ethan wouldn't show up so I wouldn't have to go out with him after detention. Sadly, he showed up, patiently waiting for detention to be over so we could hang out afterwards. Throughout the entire detention, Ethan sat beside me while I stared from the clock to the door, hoping for my freedom. Often, I would catch Danielle peering into the detention classroom, eyeing me and Ethan suspiciously, as if there was something going on between us. Please, I would want nothing to do with Ethan even though that was so wrong on so many levels because apparently, we're hanging out later after detention. Yay! Note the sarcasm.

When detention finally ended, Ethan grabbed my hand and we ran out of the boring class and into the school parking lot. "Freedom," I heaved as I tried to catch my breath. I, unlike Ethan who's on the varsity football team, have no athletic ability inside of me. None, zero, zilch. We got into his shiny red Mercedes and drove off to some retro 60s diner called 'Back' which had pretty cool jukeboxes that actually still worked.

As we sat down on a booth at the corner of the restaurant, a waiter came to take our order. Ethan asked, "So who's the real Ashley Davis?"

"She's just someone who's actually a complete mystery, a puzzle where you have to solve her just to figure her out because even she herself is not exactly sure of her own true identity. But she will find out eventually."

"I'd like to solve this mystery, this puzzle," he declared. "I want to know the real Ashely Davis that close to no one knows."

"Why?" I asked. Not many have been this interested in me ever in my life. Even Danielle. Apparently, the only people were my parents and him.

"Because you're something else." Those three words would surely make a girl's day, but not mine.

"Sure, of course." I muttered sarcastically.

"Sorry, what was that? I didn't catch it."

"I said thanks for the compliment."


"Oh yes, and remember the plan? The one that I said previously?" I asked.

"Of course. You have a plan in mind?"

"I'll tell you the plan later since our food is here," I looked at the plate of scrumptious food placed in front of me. "Let's eat!"


"The food was awesome! Thanks for bringing me there." Yes, that was the one and only sentence, well, two sentences, that I actually meant and spoke to him.

"No problem! Care to tell me your plan now?" He said as he brought the glass of water close to his lips.

"The plan is something I'd like to call revenge on a little someone called Danielle, and you're just gonna be my pawn. My little accomplice in this plan I have," I chuckled, mischief gleaming in my eyes.

Upon saying the word 'pawn', Ethan choked on his glass of water, making me laugh till my sides hurt.

"Two questions. Firstly, um, why? And secondly, why me?"

"Well, to answer your question, it was payback for suddenly ditching me even though I did absolutely nothing," I replied. "Secondly, you did say you'd do anything if I joined you after detention," I said, smirking.

He cursed under his breath. "Well there's no way I can get out of this, can I?"

I shook my head. No way, Ethan. No freaking way.

I happily set a date for us to meet up and discuss the plan, with Ethan grudgingly agreeing to everything I was saying. Yay!

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