Chapter 1

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It was finally lunch time. I looked around, everyone had their own cliques and friends while I sat alone. My eyes spotted Danielle throwing her head back, laughing about something funny one of the jocks had said. We used to be best friends, we told each other everything and I trusted her with all my heart, that is, until she ditched me for the popular kids. I wondered what changed her mind, she had always hated the popular kids. Well, until now.

Once I finished my food, I quickly went to my locker to grab my books for next period - History. The hallways were rather quiet and empty since everyone else were still at the cafeteria. As I walked to the classroom, I accidentally bumped into Danielle, causing me to drop all my books.

"Ew, what a nerd. Get away!" she scowled.

I wanted to yell and scream at her at that moment but I fought the urge to do so before I got into trouble. You used to be my best friend. I trusted you but you left me. Abandoned me. Why? What did I do wrong to make you hate me so much?

I picked up my books and continued walking to class, trying to stay out of everyone's way. In class, I sat at the corner where I usually go unnoticed. I opened up my books and started reading ahead. Yes, I know I'm a total geek but education is practically my top priority since my parents can't afford to send me to a good university, I needed to work hard to earn myself a scholarship.

School went by quickly and I found myself sitting under a tree, sketching out a rose on my sketchbook. Drawing is probably the only thing that keeps me sane, ever since Danielle. I turned to the last page of my sketchbook, it was a list of plans Danielle and I made for senior year, which was this year. She insisted that I get my first boyfriend so we could go on double dates and whatnot, and the list goes on and on. To be honest, I felt like this list of plans was a complete waste of time, we're not even friends anymore, not with the way she's been treating me. Plus, I'm not really interested in boys. Right now, I'm just so fed up with her. Everything. To vent out my frustration, I made a list of reasons on why I should hate Danielle and the popular kids.

Why I should hate Danielle and the popular kids

1. They are not loyal and will ditch you if you aren't 'cool' enough.
2. They are way too self-centered and care only about their looks (and their reputation of course).
3. They think that they actually rule the school and expect their subjects (a.k.a the rest of the entire student body) to bow down at their feet.
4. They are completely rude, mean and heartless, judging people by their looks.
5. Danielle is one of them

Feeling satisfied with the list, I jumped up and finally decided to head home. My mind was clouded with thoughts as I walked home. Why did things turn out this way? What would happen if I didn't exist? Suddenly, I bumped into someone, causing me to lose my balance. I closed my eyes, expecting myself to fall flat onto the cold hard pavement, not into the strong arms of a random stranger. When I opened my eyes, a pair of chocolate brown eyes stared into mine.

"Sorry," I squeaked in complete embarrassment and blushed. "Thanks, though," I said.

"No problem," he replied.

I didn't get a good look of him or even ask for his name before I even realized that I had already walked away. All I could remember was the messy mop of brown hair on his head and his eyes. For the rest of the night, all I could think about was that boy. His brown eyes were just so mesmerizing. Looking down at my sketchbook, I quickly drew out his eyes. After I was done, I sighed, looking at the drawing. I felt so sad that I'll probably never ever see that stranger again, the possibility of that is like one out of a billion.

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