chapter 2:Life on mars

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After an hour of tossing and turning in bed, Lincoln decided to give up on any more attempts of going back to sleep. He sat up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Once his eyesight was no longer blurry and adjusted to the dark, he looked over at his alarm clock  that sat on his nightstand. The time was 5:00am, Lincoln groaned before laying back down, listening to the heavy morning rain hitting the roof of the house. After five minutes of laying there, he threw the blankets off himself and got up out of bed. Lincoln walked to the other side of the room to turn on the lights. After switching on the lights, he went to his dresser to pick out the clothes he planned on wearing to school that day. Lincoln chose a pair of black pants, black boots, his north face jacket and a white t shirt with image of che guevara on it. He ordered the shirt off of amazon about a year ago. Lynn Sr and Rita  obviously we're not huge fans of the shirt. The couple gave their son a long lecture on how che guevara was a murderer and how he fought for an ideal that oppressed and killed many people throughout history. But in the end, Lincoln was allowed to keep it. He stripped out of his pajamas and got dressed. Lincoln put on his jacket prior to grabbing his phone off his nightstand and leaving his bedroom. The teenager yawned as he made his way down the stairs. When Lincoln arrived at the bottom he proceeded to go into the kitchen to make himself breakfast. He turned on the lights, like a million times before Lincoln began to fix a bowl of cereal.  He grabbed a jug of milk from the fridge. Next, Lincoln got out a bowl from cabinet and a spoon from the kitchen drawer. The last step was pouring the cereal and milk into the bowl. Lincoln put the jug of milk back in fridge then proceeded to take a seat at the kitchen table. The moment lincoln picked up the spoon his phone buzzed. He picked it up to see it was a text from Clyde. In the text Clyde explained that he was sick and wasn't going to school today. 

“Damn it Clyde, you flaked on our movie marathon and now your making me ride the bus.” Lincoln groaned then went to town on his bowl of lucky charms. Two minutes later  he finished. Lincoln wiped the milk from his lips as he got up and put the empty bowl in the sink. Lincoln Turned off the light on his way out. He went back upstairs to do his hygiene in the bathroom.While going down the hall he noticed that one of his sister's  doors were wide open. Lincoln paused, cautiously tip toeing over to the doorway. He peaked in to find it was luan’s and luna’s room. The double decker bunks were empty, the blanket and pillows were nowhere in sight. Luna’s battle of the bands poster was gone along with her records and record player. Luan's props and joke books that were once scattered on the floor vanished. The rock star and prankster recently moved out of the house.Luna moved in with sam while luan moved in with benny. The sad Lincoln lowered his head and  continued on into the bathroom.Changes, It all began with lori graduating and going off to college to become a lawyer. After that, leni soon graduated and began to start a career in fashion design that was going extremely well. Lynn still lived at the house but lincoln rarely saw her anymore. Lily was now almost 6 years old, lisa became more introverted and the twins rarely fight and argue anymore. Lastly Lucy has been getting out more and hanging out with friends. When lori left it didn't bother lincoln that much. He even at one point thought his sister would chicken out and move back in. Days passed then weeks then a year. Then leni graduated and moved out, that was the point when it started to get to lincoln.The Screaming,crying and arguing eventual stopped.The loud house was now quiet and  peaceful. Soon one by one his inner circle got smaller. Rusty,liam and Zach moved away. But Lincoln's breaking point was when he came home to find luna's and luan's room empty. He regretted the time he bought earbuds to cancel out the madness. Lincoln regretted the time he played along with lynn's theory of bad luck. He regretted every moment he tried to get some time away from his sisters. Now with five of them gone and living a silent house,Lincoln was begging for them to come back. After he was finished brushing his teeth, Lincoln put on deodorant before returning to his bedroom to grab his book bag.The young man noticed that the rain had stopped making the house silence Once again.

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