Chapter 3: grabbing a bite to eat

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Lincoln sat in his 8th period english class reading the novel his teacher assigned him to read. The novel was Dracula written by bram stoker. At first Lincoln really didn't want to read the book, He thought it would be  like twilight or some stupid sappy love story. Nonetheless his grades were on the line, so he had to read it. After reading the first few chapters Lincoln began to like the story. Each page had him on the edge of his seat wanting more. He took a break from reading to glance up at the clock to discover he had five more minutes until the end of class. Lincoln marked the spot where he stopped in the book before putting it in his book bag. A few minutes later the bell rang, causing the students to bolt out of their seats and rushed out the door. Lincoln' taking his time got up, grabbed his bag and left the room into the crowded hallway.

"I need a kickstart." The boy thought licking his lips. Lincoln got to the end of the hallway then descended down the nearby stairs to the first floor. The moment his feet hit the bottom he saw through the sea of people, that a bunch of kids were surrounding the vending machine. Annoyed, the 16 year old decided not to wait out the crowd for one drink. Lincoln left  out a nearby exit a few feet to his right .  While beginning his journey  down the sidewalk, a thought popped into his mind.

" I wondered how Delilah's day went?"  Lincoln felt a finger tap his shoulder. He  turned around to find Delilah with two kickstarts in her hands.

" My day was awesome Lincoln . Plus i got you a drink." Delilah said  handing one of them to him.  Lincoln accepted the drink while giving her a confused look. He examined the pop can closely to find it was his favorite flavored kickstart, pineapple orange mango. The sick feeling Lincoln felt this morning returned but for a few seconds as he dismissed it off as a coincidence. He gave delilah a reassuring smile.

"That's good to hear, thanks for the drink ronnie.." Lincoln paused when he acknowledged his mistake.

"Um who?" Delilah giggled.

" Im sorry Delilah, it just you reminded me of this girl who I hung out with and had a crush on." Lincoln confessed as his cheeks turn a bright shade of crimson. Him and Delilah continued on down the path.

"What was her name again?"Delilah wondered.

"Um it was Ronnie anne santiago." Lincoln replied.

" oh she's hispanic?" She responded.

" Yeah, she was beautiful but at the same time a tom boy. I think that how I was able to relate better to her." He Said . Delilah gave him a mischievous smile.

"Oh so like Latina girls?" She laughed. Lincoln face became red once again  with embarrassment.

" I... well.." he stuttered.

"I'm messing with you loud." Delilah giggled, playfully punching him in the side of the arm. Lincoln heard the sound of his stomach rumbling. He was thinking about heading down to the burp-in burger for a quick bite before heading home.

"Hey delilah i'm about to get a bite at the burp-in burger. I will get you something if you want. If you want to come along." Lincoln offered.

"Oh my god yes." Delilah sequeled like a woman who just got proposed to. Lincoln not knowing how to respond laughed it off as her having an upbeat personality.

"Okay follow."  The loud said  leading the way.  The two arrived at the fast food joint 20 minutes later. Delilah stared in awe at the large  sign of the burpin burger sign.

"Wow, so this place is a parody of Frisch's big boy restaurant?" She asked. Lincoln took a closer look and compared the restaurant mascot to the big boy mascot. He scratched the back of his head as  saw  that Delilah was right.

" Huh, how come I never saw the resemblance before?" Lincoln wondered. The pair entered the restaurant , the scent of fast food hit Lincoln's nose giving him a euphoric feeling in his brain. Him and Delilah went up to the front counter to order their meals. Delilah scanned the large array of items that were displayed on the menu above.

"Wow it all looks good, I can't decided." She said resting her hands on her hips. A light bulb immediately went off in Lincoln's brain.

"I suggest the sleepy hollow whopper. It's very popular this time of year." He recommended. Delilah turned to him intrigued about his suggestion.

"Up for trying anything new." She told him.

"You ready to place your order sir?" The employee behind the counter asked. Lincoln nodded before ordering two large sleepy hollow whoppers. After giving the money that was owed, Lincoln and delilah then took a seat at the closest table.

" I take it that you come here often?" Delilah said tapping her fingers on the surface of the table.

"Yeah, the food here is to die for." Lincoln claimed.

"Oh is that so?" Delilah answered in a playful tone.

" Of course. Well it's not KFC level good but it come in third on my list." He told her before resting his head on the table.

"You're funny  Lincoln loud." She giggled.

"Huh it usually my sister is the funny one." Lincoln smirked lifting his head up.

"Order up lincoln ." An employee who was familiar with the teenager  said, setting a tray of two burgers on the table. Lincoln smiled and thanked the fast food worker.

"Looks good lincoln." Delilah said taking one and  unwrapping it. The moment it was unwrapped  she took a huge bite. Lincoln began to unwrap his food as well.  He was about to take a bite when he noticed delilah's face turned white like a ghost.

"Something wrong delilah?" Lincoln asked.  Delilah covered her mouth before getting up from the table and racing to the women's bathroom. The other patrons in the restaurant  stared the direction  of lincoln. Some with faces of worry with others with expressions of disappointment and disgust. The ashamed and embarrassed loud boy put head down trying to hide from everyone's judgmental  gazes.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter if you did please give a vote or a comment. Have good day


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