Chapter 2

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The four friends left the cave and ventured through the forest to find clues that lead to Puppet Master.

"So how are we gonna find ol' P.M?" asked Apotheon.

"Maybe we can use our magic" Charlotte replied.

Both mages attempted to find a location spell that they could use to find the Puppet Master. Both failed. Charlotte and Apotheon couldn't use the spell because they needed something that came from the Puppet Master to locate him. "We need to find something that would lead us to him," Apotheon said.

"Alright we will just have to find something that he has left behind or anything in general," replied Ye'saki.

"What about the conduit?" asked Charlotte.

"That wasn't Puppet Master just a device he used to project something into her head. We can't use that device because he doesn't leave traces, he wears a black and a white glove on each hand. He leaves no prints." said Absolon.

"Then this is going to be harder than we thought," Apotheon said. The journey to find the Puppet Master has become difficult and time was running out. The group started to travel in search of one more of Puppet Master's minions. They came across a horse carriage that was being chased by bandits. Out of instinct both the witch and the mage shot the bandits off their horses. The carriage stopped and turned around and the person that came out of it turned out to be a legendary myth no one thought was alive anymore. Umbra, the powerful mage of the west and rumored to be the first magic caster. "I didn't think you were still alive," said Absolon.

"Well, what do you think, do I still got it?" asked Umbra.

"What? Maybe the looks but the skills might not match anymore" Apotheon replied.

"Idiots," whispered Charlotte. "So Ms.Umbra! What are you doing here?" she asked curiously.

"Well, isn't it obvious, I live in this region of the world," said Umbra.

"REALLY?" Charlotte yelled. "I mean wow! Ms.Umbra I didn't know that," she replied rubbing the back of her head. Charlotte was in the background looking in the distance and saw a duck. "Hey Apotheon, I see a duck over there!" she informed.

"WHERE?!?" Apotheon looked around until he saw the duck and started chasing it.

"Since he's distracted," Charlotte started, " Excuse Ms. Umbra, but I really looked up to you when I was younger and I was wondering if you could teach me some new spells," said Charlotte happily.

"Sure, but not at the moment," Umbra started, "Right now, you must hurry and find Puppet Master before it's too late."

"How do you know that we were trying to find him?" Charlotte asked

"I am the incredible Umbra, I know everything," Umbra replied

After Apotheon managed to catch the duck, he came over and asked Umbra if she could help them on their journey. "I wish I could, but alas, I have a journey far greater to attend to," Umbra replied. "But I can give you a useful item to help you on your quest." She gave them a magical scroll and then gave Apotheon his book back. Umbra waved as she entered her carriage and disappeared into the light. The four friends then continued on their mission to find Puppet Master and put an end to his shenanigans.

While following the magical force Apotheon set to find the next location of Puppet Master, Apotheon was admiring the duck he caught. "Thank you, Charlotte for telling me about this duck."

"No problem," Charlotte replied.

Apotheon then put on a wizard looking hat on the duck that fit its head perfectly. The duck then started to float and a little magic scepter appeared in his hand. "Oh my god! It's a little duck sage!" Apotheon exclaimed. "I'm gonna name him Frosty." A new member of the team was now included.

The four friends and their companions ended up in a very lively town named Crystal Lane. There were magical specimens and even humans wandering around and trading with each other. The group decided to check into a hotel to take a break. They opened the door of the hotel and found wonderful things that were inside. The hotel had purple chandeliers, a red carpet across the floor, the walls were gold with little stars and swirls on the walls, and much more. The group walked up to the desk with a female elf working the shift. "How may I help you travelers?" asked the elf lady smiling.

"May we have 2 rooms," said Absolon smiling back.

"Okay. Here are your room keys." said the elf lady.

Everyone goes to their hotel rooms, Charlotte and Absolon with their companions share a room and Apotheon and Ye'saki with their companions share a room.

Inside of Charlotte and Absolon's room

"This bed is so warm!" Charlotte said rolling across the bed.

"You're so childish," said Absolon smirking.

"No, I'm not!" Charlotte pouted.

"Hehe! Yes you are, but you want to know what else you are," said Absolon walking closer to Charlotte making her blush.

"Umm! Excuse me we are in the room. If you guys are about to do something inappropriate can we leave the room." said Night-chan making a sassy look.

"Sorry guys!" said Charlotte looking at Night~chan and William with a red face.

Inside Apotheon and Ye'saki's room

"Frosty is the best thing to happen to me on this journey," Apotheon said.

"Whatever." Ye'saki replied.

As Apotheon plays with the little duck sage, Ye'saki jumps and lays in her bed and plays with her tail. "Why are we actually paying to stay in a hotel?" Ye'saki questioning, "Why not just use your magic to make a comfy camp instead?"

"Because it wouldn't be fun to wake up and see interact with someone we see every hour," Apotheon stated, "And plus, this is a taste of the normal life for a change."

Ye'saki glared at him confused for a moment. "But still," she started, "What's the purpose of trying to interact with people we don't know?"

"You are asking too many questions and it's making Frosty uncomfortable," Apotheon said, "Just relax and save all your questions for the journey."

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