Chapter 4

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Apotheon was levitating and meditating deeply thinking by the campfire while Frosty was waddling around aimlessly and quacking here and there. Lost in thought, Apotheon somehow managed to make the campfire change colors from green, purple, blue, and yellow. William sat under a tree with an irritated look. "What are we going to do?" said Charlotte walking back-and-forth. "Do about what Charlotte?" Apotheon asked as he recovered from his meditation. "Your brother dumbass! I mean without him." Charlotte answered about to cry. "Woah no need to use profanity," Apotheon said, "But he should be fine, I know he can defend himself and heal when he gets hurt. No need to cry and curse." Frosty waddled over to Charlotte and pecked her toe to get her attention. "What is it Frosty?" said Charlotte looking down. Frosty quacked pointed his scepter at Apotheons hand with a patch of the creature's hair. " Good idea Frosty!" said Charlotte taking the hair and casting a spell. "You're just gonna snatch the hair out of my hand without asking? So rude." Apotheon scorned. "Sheesh, I'm trying to concentrate........ Locatum" said 

Charlotte summoning a blue magic circle with blue magical smoke that appeared around everyone showing them the creature and Absolon asleep in a chamber. William walked over still angry and looked into the chamber looking at the creature squinting. "Who is that anyway?" as the Puppet Master still stayed out of view. While everyone was watching the spell began to change and started to view William. "Why are you looking at me?" William said looking at the two sorcerers.

Meanwhile, in an unknown location, Absolon wakes up to a loud walking as if someone were walking around in chains. The creature turned and looked at him as it charged but the chains stopped it. He also realized he was chained as well and he got up enraged. Absolon roared and pulled on the chains with his arms and legs. "Calm down my almighty friend you're alright." Puppetmaster said as the chair in front of them both. "Why are you making me do this?!" the creature roared. Absolon looked over at the beast. "Wait, you're not you're not working with him?" Absolon asked curiously looking at the angry monster. The creature looked back at him and said calmly "no, I-" interrupted by the puppet master "I'm doing this because I have a very interesting test to conduct with you both. The beast looked at Absolon. "Can he at least know what's really going on?!" the beast said looking at him. "I don't see why not. Go ahead." Puppet Master waved his hand chuckling. The monster reverted his form and began to look human then 

Absolon realized who it was with a shocked face "How the hell?!" he said looking at the beast. Puppetmaster laughed and said with a sinister look "I pulled him from the future and turned him into a hybrid. I present to you the new and improved William. The ultimate hybrid mortal. Absolon confused, angry, and upset says "why did you, how did you do this" "Questions that shall be answered within time" responded PuppetMaster as he leaves the room, "Absolon thinking of a way to escape, "it won't work" says future William "what" says Absolon "it won't work" Future William repeats himself "how did you-" ''look I'm from the future so you've already been through this before and told everyone. Time is fragile going back and changing something small will damage the timeline." Future William says cutting off Absolon "Dammit" Absolon says angrily "language" says Future William "Just be patient"

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