1) He's my mate

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I huffed in frustration, tapping my pen on my chin as my brows furrowed in concentration. This is stupid, she never put these questions on the practice test. My eyes darted to the clock above the teachers desk, only five minutes left, and then school would be over. I rubbed my face with my hands and peeked around the classroom, no one was paying any attention, they were all too focused. I would get into so much trouble if I missed these questions, they took up the last page I had to complete. I slowly looked over to the people who were beside me, the first one, Sara, not very smart, the second, Joe, not smart at all. Sara it is. I looked over to her paper and squinted just slightly, scanning over what she had put and jotted it down onto an extra piece of paper. Once I finished I looked over each answer and changed each of them just slightly to make it sound like they were my own words. I just had finished when the bell rang, people began to pack up as the teacher spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, saying to put our tests on her desk on our way out, and to remember that we have a project due next week.

I stuffed my binders and text books into my bag and put my pen behind my ear, I stood up and made my way over to the desk, I jotted down my name and set test down. I nodded a good-bye to her and left, quickly making my way to my locker.

I began to open my locker when someone tapped my shoulder, I turned around and smiled over at my two best friends, Tess and Sunny.

"Hey," I mumbled turning back around and grabbing my jacket, and slipping it over my shoulders. I closed the locker and locked it, grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

"Hey, so, you're totally coming over to John's tonight right?" asked Tess, blowing a piece of gum and popping it with her teeth. 

"Why? What's going on at Johns?" I asked, quirking a brow as we all started to walk to the front doors of the school.

"He's throwing that little party, remember?" Sunny said, doodling on her hand with a red pen. 

"Oh yeah, I must've forgot.. Um.. I really don't know, you guys both know parties aren't really my thing. Plus there's the fact that I have homework." I mumbled, brushing some hair behind my ear.

Sunny looked over at me, "You can't be serious, homework? On the weekend? Come on Bella, don't be such a party pooper. Besides, Chris is gonna be there." She smirks.

Tess grins and nods her head in agreement, "Totally! You have to come, Winter break's around the corner and we need to do something. My parents are probably planning on taking me somewhere during that time and I want to hang out with you guys before it's too late and we won't get the chance."

I sighed, defeated, "We'll see, you guys are still forgetting one small detail." We left the school and I began to make my way over to a rusty old truck.

"And what's that?"

I smiled, walking backwards so that I was facing them, "My aunt's approval." I grinned and waved at them as I entered the truck, where I was just waiting on my cousin, who I am very close with, we are also best friends.

Natasha ran up to the car, smiling and waving at someone before hopping in, "Holy unicorn poop, it's freezing out there." 

I laughed and shook my head, "It's Winter Nat, of course it's freezing." She buckled up and we began to drive home in the old rust bucket.

"So, how was your day? Oh, didn't you have that test? How'd it go?" She smiled, taking off her gloves and rubbing her hands together, breathing on them afterwards to heat them up. Nat and I are only a few months apart, though we still are very close.

"Eh, it could've gone better." I shrugged, stopping at a stop sign and letting a mother and her child pass. "What about you, how was your day?"

"Same, Sam dumped me.." She mumbled.

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