5) Run with me my darling

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It was exhausting, just sitting here, waiting, I knew the girls were coming, they would be here today, but I didn't know when.. Which worried me.. What if Stefan tells them to leave? What if something bad happens? What if someone finds out about my plan? Speaking of which, I didn't even know what I was going to do for my plan. I knew that Sunny and Tess were here to help me escape this stupid hell hole, but I didn't know how it was all going to work out. I was scared for my freedom, and for my friends. What if they get stuck here too? Wait a minute.. What if they become someone else's mate! I began to panic, if I did make it out of here, and they stayed behind, I would most likely never see them again. I didn't want that to happen.. I wanted to be able to see them and talk to them.. But.. If I did get out and ran away, would that happen anyways? Probably not, I don't think they would come with me.. They have things they want in life too and hiding from a bunch of werewolves isn't one of them. I leaned against the wall, looking out the window, I sighed softly and pressed my lips into a flat line. It was raining outside, so I hoped the roads weren't too slippery. I'm worrying about this too much, I got up and paced back a forth a bit, I needed to do something to calm myself down, but what? A bath! A bath always helped. I moved over to one of my suitcases and pulled out a bath bomb, towel, change of clothes, hair brush, makeup bag, etc. I moved towards the bathroom that was attached to Stephens bed room, and closed and locked the door. I turned on the water and grabbed my phone, hooking it up to some speakers and playing some music while I poured some soap and my bath bomb into the water. I then slipped in myself, tying my hair up into a sloppy bun and leaning my head back against the cool bathtub. I could already feel my muscles relax, I let out a soft sigh and closed my eyes. Humming softly along to the music that was playing, I tired not to think too much, or at all really. I just tried to relax, but after a few minutes of doing nothing, my brain began to work again and my thoughts came pouring back into my head like a waterfall. If anything, being along in a bathtub with nothing else to do but relax and think, it made it a hundred times worse than before.

"Come on.." I groaned, hitting the back of my head softly against the back of the tub. I slowly got up and began to dry myself off. I emptied the tub and walked over to the sink.

I looked at myself in the mirror, I had big disgusting bags under my eyes from lack of sleep, no make-up on, so I looked like a disfigured person. I frowned at my reflection and touched one of my cheeks with my fingers. I sighed and looked down at the tap, I turned on the water to cold, and splashed some water into my face. I took in s shaky breath, my eyes still closed as I tried to calm my aching body. All it wanted was for me to go back into the warm water it was soaked in only a while before hand, and take a long much needed sleep. But even if I wanted too, I couldn't sleep.. My brain was working, it was switched on and it wouldn't be switched off for a long time.

I slowly forced my eyes open and looked down at my wet hands, water droplets slowly ran down them and dripped off, falling onto the floor and once in a while, hitting my bare feet. I heard a tap on the door, my head snapping in the direction, which on my part was a bad move, I winced and brought a hand up to my neck as I rubbed it softly.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's uh.. Me.." I could recognise that voice anywhere, I rolled my eyes softly and after a moment, I realised I could smell him too.

"What do you want Stefan? I'm naked." My wolf nearly chocked on my words, almost begging for me to open up the door and to drop my towel, but that wasn't about to happen.. Even if I sort of wanted it to..

"I uh.." His voice cracked a little, and I could almost hear the blush in his voice, I listened closer, his heart rate was picking up speed, I chuckled quietly, which I know he heard, making me blush a little as well.

"I know you're stressed.. Since we sort of have a bond, I can feel it a little.. Um.. I.."

I rolled my eyes and quickly got changed before opening up the door. "What is it? Spit it out." I glared up at him.

"I have an idea of how you can feel better." He smiled a bit at me, and I instantly looked away.

I thought about it for a moment, my body still ached, my hands were clenched into tight fists, my mind was a whirlwind, my wolf was a freaking slut, who wanted Stefan so much it was affecting me in more ways than I could count, I was lonely, depressed, stressed, I was practically desperate at this point, I slowly looked back up at him, and I couldn't believe what I was about to say.

"What have you got in mind?"

A giant grin spread across his face, he grabbed my hand, I opened my mouth to protest, a blush forming on my cheeks, but I was interrupted by him tugging me out of the room.

He dragged me around his pack house, some other wolves/people gave us weird glances, some chuckled with grins on their faces. My stomach was overrun with butterflies, my face burned and I knew I looked like a freaking tomato. I couldn't help but think how cute Stefan looked though, his messy dark hair, the sparkle in his big brown puppy dog eyes, the childish smile on his face, the slight pink ghost of a blush on his cheeks. The way his muscles pulled against the thin fabric of his t-shirt, it was white and way to tight on him, which only made him look even hotter than before. I couldn't believe what I was thinking, but I couldn't stop myself, no matter how much I wanted to.. And how much I didn't want to.

He pulled me up to a door and opened it up, instantly I could feel a soft spray of water and the wind that whipped me in the face. It was pouring even worse than before, and before I could protest on the fact of going outside, Stefan dragged me out there. He kept pulling me till we got to the forest the surrounded his pack house. I rose a brow at him, he just smirked.

"One of the perks about being a werewolf, how fast we can run." he nudged me, "Run with me my darling." With that he turned on his heel and zipped through the trees.

I felt a small smile tug on the corners of my lips as I sprinted after him, it felt so good.

I could hear his beautiful laugh, which made me grin wider, I closed my eyes if only for a moment, the wind and rain pounding against my body, but it was like nothing could stop me. My feet pounded against the ground, my sneakers now soaking wet along with the rest of my body. My clothes hugged my body so tight, my hair, which was still up in a sloppy mess of a bun, began to stick to my head and face.

I wasn't cold, because my body was like a heater, it heats itself up as I run through the forest on Stefans heals. Soon I catch up to him and it's like nothing can stop me.

I let out a soft laugh and after what feels like forever, we stop, I lean against a tall tree to catch my breath, both of us panting heavily. I glance over at him, his hair was sticking to his face, his shirt was now transparent, clinging to his body even more than before, if it was possible. I grinned a little and looked down at the ground, I soon stood up, the rain had cleared, which I was slightly thankful for.


It was like he saw a ghost, he looked over at him, his eyes connecting to my own, I couldn't look away.

"For what?" He finally spoke.

"Doing this." I gestured to the forest and looked down at my feet. "..I may seem like a cold hearted bitch, but I can be nice sometimes too." I smiled, looking up at him once more.

He grinned, "I like it."

I rose a brow in confusion, "Like what?"

"You're smile, I like it." He responded, making me blush once again.

I cleared my throat, reminding myself why i'm here in this exact moment, because he tore me away without my permission for his own benefits. My smile fled, my face became blank.

"Well don't get used to it, Wolfie." I turned on my heel and shifted, my clothes tearing as my bones broke, snapping and reforming together in the process. My eyes changing color to a bright yellow, fur forming on my skin as I shrank down in size. I opened my eyes too look back at Stefan, his eyes had darkened in color, which made me smirk a little as I turned back around and ran back through the forest in my wolf form.

For a moment, I forgot I had been taken away from my home, that was until I spotted a black wolf running next to me, his scent wafted up my nostrils, Stefan. I growled a bit, I knew he couldn't leave me alone for a single moment. I looked down at my white paws, and pushed myself harder, running faster.

He was hot on my trail, but I ignored him, as we approached his pack house again I skidded to a halt and jumped over him and landed behind him. He skidded and tumbled a bit, making me grin as I walked over to the side, I caught his gaze, I sent him a single wink before bolting off once again. 

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