6) Meeting The Hot Omega

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I was sitting in a small room, alone, the door was opened, though I didn't mind, I had my earbuds in as I listened to some music, I tapped my foot softly to the beat, and looked down at my phone, awaiting a text or something from one of my friends saying that they were here or almost on their way or something. But for now, it was completely silent, and I hated every agonising second of it. I let a heavy sigh slip out of my mouth as I tilted my head back in annoyance. I slowly looked around the room I was currently in, it looked like a small sitting/living room. There was a tv, a coffee table in front of a couch, a small table next to a large window with two chairs next to it. A tiny bookshelf, etc.. I got up and made my way over to the books, it was a small selection, it looked like nothing I would want to read. I huffed a little, in a place this big you'd think they'd have some sort of library or something. That's when an idea popped into my head, a library. They have to have a library, I grinned and made my way over to the door, stepping out of it, I began to roam around the halls, passing by people once in a while, who would bow their head in respect or say a hello, to which I would send them a rather awkward smile, a wave, or a simple nod of my head, sometimes all three. I passed by many doors, and after what felt like hours of me searching for some library, I was beginning to give up. This place was so big, I didn't know if i'd ever find the library, plus, i'm pretty sure i'm lost and have been going around in the same spot for the past while. I saw a wolf walk down the hall next from me, I decided to ask. So I slowly and cautiously approached.

"Hello Luna, how may I help you?" He asked, sending me a small kind smile.

"Um.. Actually, I think I might be a little lost.. This place is a lot bigger than I thought it would be, and I never lived in a pack house before.." I smiled nervously.

He let out a soft chuckle, ruffling his sandy brown hair, his blue eyes crinkling when he laughed, and I couldn't help but think he looked extremely cute.. And maybe a little hot? Then it was like a ton of bricks smacked me in the face, I totally forgot about Chris, he had no idea where I was, or if I was okay. I mean i'm sure Aunt Ruby would of said something to him if he ever asked, but still, I couldn't help but feel guilty.

"It's okay, um.. Anywhere in particular you want to be?" He asked, staring over at me. He was quite a bit taller than me, his skin was a soft tan color, a small scar was formed on his cheek.

"The library." I mumbled.

"I'll show you the way." He smiled and began to walk in the other direction I had been heading, I mentally face palmed and followed after him.

I couldn't help the small blush that formed on my cheeks when he would look over at me, he was extremely good looking, he was like one of the guys i'd have a crush on back in school. I knew that if Stefan was here and saw the way this guy made me blush, he would probably beat the living shit out of him, and that, made a small smirk crawl onto my face. But it was soon wiped right off when that guy looked back over at me.

"So what's your name wolf boy, and what rank are you?" I asked, looking over at him.

"Wolf boy?" He laughed, shaking his head. "My name's Logan, i'm the omega.." He seemed to hesitate when answering that part.

I looked over at him in surprise, an omega? He doesn't look like an omega, that's when my brain clicked, from the moment he saw me he had his head slightly bowed, he also had refused to make eye contact.

"Cool." I simply stated, it was his turn to look surprised.

I chuckled softly, "What?" I asked, stopping in the hallway and looking over at him, my head slightly tilted to the side.

"It's just.. You acted so calm and cool when you found out I was the omega.. Not many people would do that." He spoke, shrugging.

I smiled, "Logan, in my pack, we never had a huge pack house that every member lived in, instead we lived in a small town, some humans were there too, who were either adopted, or had moved there because they were related to someone, or whatever. The thing is, in my pack, or uh.. old pack.. we didn't really care about what rank you were in. I mean, some wolves did, but everyone has different opinions. " I shrugged.

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