Asexual!Donnie x Asexual!Reader

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I am Beauty, I am Ace.

Genderless reader for your editing needs! ~rpghorror-san.

Donnie was sitting in the lab of the lair and thinking about you, which is odd since he never really thought of you before when he was alone. Maybe it was cause he saw your cute smile and the way you were so nice to him even thought he wasn't really into talking or playing like the other brothers did. But he found it nice that you liked to be around him and even thought you were kind of cute. But he was unsure of what he was feeling, he never felt things like this before....this was all so new to him and he didn't know what to do. He knew that he liked you in a romantic way but anything other then that...not really like when people find girls or guy and genderless people's body sexy or cute, he didn't see you like that but he knew he liked you in a I wanna kiss you and hug you way but not in a friendship way. Well the next thing to do is to look up some stuff and that's what he did for the next hour was look up what might be happening and he found out that he was Asexual.

He was a bit sad though cause he didn't know if he could tell Y/N how he felt about them, I mean being Ace should be the problem but Donnie isn't exactly like his twin brother Leo when it comes to Flirting and saying how he feels. Well this is gonna be fun. And that how it happened, he called you up and said to meet him at the park at like 3am so no one was around. You meet him there and was pretty shocked at all the stuff laying around, a blanket and candles and even some food for late night times. "Uhh Donnie?" They called. "How are you doing darling?" He called out and grabbed your hand. "Uhh? I'm Fine...." Wait did he just call me Darling!? "That's good, why not join me for some nice food and late night star gazing?" He asked. "Uhh sure? Donnie are you feeling alright?" They asked pushing a piece of hair out of their face. "Yeah am the bees knees." He said smirking. "Sure you are..." They said rolling their eyes. Donnie was a bit lost at this point and sat down with them, after sometime of him flirting with them and talking about their day, he finally spoke up. "Hey, Y/N I have something I wanna tell you." He smiled. "Okay what is it Donnie?" They said raising an eyebrow. Now was his chance, he slowly moved in an arm around them and they stilled as he did so. then he leaned in slowly and tried to kiss them but Y/N pushed his face away. "Okay, That's it!" They pushed him completely and he fell over and looked up in shock. "What is up with you today?! Why are you acting so odd!" They yelled. "Donnie, Your scaring me, say something!" They yelled. He felt bad this wasn't how it was suppose to go. "I didn't mean to scare you, Y/N. I was trying to act like Leo.." He said honestly getting up to a sit now instead of a laying down one. They made a face, their E/C eyes shining in the night. "Why are you acting like Leo? Why would you even think to act like something else? Are.....Are you making fun of me?" They started to tear up a bit. He waved his hands really fast. "No No No, That's not what am doing!" He yelled. "Then what? Why are you doing this, This is just too cruel of you Donnie. I like the way you normally act and that's what made me fall for you!" They stopped as soon as the word left their mouth and covered it. He sat there shocked at what they said. " like the way I normally act?" Saying disbelieved by what they just said. A nod came. "I'm sorry, I know you don't feel the same way. I just like the way you normally are, your personality, your funny and sarcastic to a T and I like that about you. But this....I don't like this." They frowned full on crying now. "I didn't think you liked me, I'm sorry Y/N." He hugged them, "Actually, That's why I wanted to talk to you tonight." He said. "Really why?" They looked up at him still pretty shocked that Donnie was hugging them. "Earlier today I....couldn't stop thinking about you and got confused on how I felt about you and searched what I felt and it said I was asexual but I wasn't sure how I would act around you since am ace and your not so....yeah am sorry I thought I should be this big flirt cause I thought that's what people like. I just don't know how to be and act around you now..." He said looking down after letting you go. "Oh Donnie....I like you for you and its okay, I'm ace too." They said honestly laughing. Donnie looked up. "Wait what!?" "Well I kind of figured you were like me, since you kind of act like me when it comes to love and stuff. But hey that just mean me and you can understand each other better since we are both ace." They said. Donnie smiled for real for once tonight and hugged them. "I promise that I won't act that that again. Man being Leo is tiring and kind of gross." He laughed good heartily at that and so did Y/N. "How do we show we umm like each other then? that I don't understand." He said quietly. "Well we can cuddle and hug, even say about how we feel like giving each other nice things to say about the other." They said. "Hmm, I like that. Well you are cute and have nice eyes." He said. "And you are very funny." They said. "See I told you I was the funny one!!!" He yelled and they laughed all night long.

Heheheheheh sorry if it was lame......have fun reading and enjoy. The next one will be better.

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