I honestly don't know where to begin other then saying im sorry. I know that sorry doesn't fix everything I did. I really don't even know how I hurt most of you. I probably done screwed up along the way and didn't realize until you faded away. I can't contact you anymore and tell you this in person or else I would. I really wish that there was a way to make things up to you.
Some of you don't even know I hurt you but I know. My guilty Constance is eating away at my soul. I feel horrible. I shouldn't of betrayed you and your trust. I wish that I could tell you what I did with out losing what we have right now.
I really want to get to a good place with everyone so im sorry.
Randomthis is going to be a series of letters that I write to different people or things in my life. Some of them are going to be titled the same but I'm going to be putting initials after the title to clarify I'm talking about different people. The ones...