Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


Ludwig had already mentally planned out their journey over night. He took Feliciano to his house the next morning. The Italian was mesmerized by its size, wondering just how much it cost.

There was no time for questions though.

Feliciano followed Ludwig in through the front door and two large dogs came bounding towards them tails wagging. The Italian took a cautionary step behind the German but both dogs sat patiently in front of them.

"Didn't you say you had three?" He asked softly.

"I do." He whispered. "She just takes a while to get here."

As if on queue, an old, arthritis-stricken German Shepherd slowly walked towards them. Feliciano's expression softened and she came right over, nudging her snout against Ludwig's hand with a whimper.

Ludwig got down on one knee and pet her, resting his forehead against hers with his eyes closed. The Italian watched this gesture with curiosity and bit his lip.

"She's my only girl." Ludwig explained with a small smile as he pulled back slowly. "Greta."

Feliciano smiled and pet the other two dogs who were begging for attention. They only had a short time to actually be with the beautiful dogs. Eventually, Ludwig called Alec into the room and he told him he'd take care of them.

The German lead Feliciano through the house and to a storage room in the basement. He froze as he saw it all; the guns, grenades, even knives.

"We need them. You too." Ludwig said sternly and grabbed a revolver, putting it into a duffel bag. He took a few other pistols and then he put some clothes in the bag along with a bit of food. "This should only take a few days."


As soon as night fell, they were off; staying along the forest edge and out of the town. Feliciano knew it wasn't the tastes way to travel but cars at night were always thoroughly checked over because there was a curfew set for the townspeople.

The Italian trailed behind Ludwig, heart pounding in his chest as he became nervous and anxious. He swatted at the tears that slowly slid down his cheeks, trying to keep his emotions in and stay calm.

"We can stop here if you-"

"No, I'm fine.. We can keep going." He said and tried to walk passed Ludwig with his head down.

The German grabbed his arm and pulled him into his chest, heart softening as the Italian immediately started to sob softly. He cradled the back of his head with one hand as the other rubbed his back slowly.

"I'll take care of you." Ludwig said softly. "There's a place we can stay. Just a few more miles and we'll be just outside the camp."


Once they got to the small shed-like bunker, Feliciano was tired from walking and just done with all these mixed emotions for one day.

Ludwig remembered spending days and nights in that small bunker with two other soldiers, hiding out to spy on enemies. He saw the three dusty cots and moved the two best ones side by side. He cleaned them off and took out the blankets he brought.

Feliciano hugged Ludwig from behind and rest his head on his back. Ludwig placed his hands over the Italian's and squeezed gently. They laid down and faced each other, the German's hand on his cheek.

Feliciano swallowed hard and leaned in, pressing his lips against Ludwig's insistently. He heard the German let out a soft whine and kiss back with just as much passion, hands on either side of Feliciano's neck.

"Mmn..." The Italian let out a shaky breath as Ludwig gently eased him onto his back and towered over him, continuing with the slow kisses.


To be continued...

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