Chapter 36

978 62 16

A/N: hi okay so this is gonna be AusHun fluff/barely smut because i need it in my life and no one likes it or writes it so deal with it ok. (Not the whole chapter is AusHun)


Roderich sat up against the headboard and flipped the page of his book, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He glanced up as Elizabeth emerged from the bathroom in her nightgown, brushing her hair.

He smiled gently at her and watched as she sat down next to him, placing her brush down and gazing at him with a smile. She took his book from his hands and placed it on the bedside table, moving to cuddle up on his lap.

He kissed her slowly and blushed as she straddled him, his hands remaining reluctantly by his sides. Swallowing nervously, he watched as Elizabeth's hands went calmly to the hem of her nightgown.

"What are you-" He took shallow breaths and locked his eyes on hers as she pulled the nightgown over her head, bare underneath, save for the necklace that hung between her breasts. "Oh."

She smiled nervously and watched as Roderich wouldn't allow himself to move his eyes below her shoulders. She took one of his hands and placed it on her hip.

"It's okay, Roderich." Elizabeth whispered and leaned forward, kissing him softly.

"Y-you know I... I can't.." He stuttered.

"You can." She pressed their foreheads together and looked into his eyes which frantically searched hers. "We can. Together."

He hesitated but eventually nodded and tentatively moved his hand up to her chest, letting out a shaky breath as he let himself touch her like this for the first time in a long time.

Roderich found his own clothes being subtracted from the equation and he bit his lip as he eased his wife onto her back.

"Oh god." He felt Elizabeth grab his hand and lace their fingers, kissing the back of his.

"It's okay." She whispered. "We're okay."

Roderich nodded and shuddered as he let himself drown in everything that was Elizabeth, her sounds, her feeling, her heat, her love. He moved with her and held her and closed his eyes when she called his name because it could not compare to any music he'd ever heard before.

He gasped and squeezed her hand and everything was so perfect and she was his and this was them, together. Never apart, not anymore.

He apologized and she breathlessly told him to shut up, but lovingly pulled him closer.

Roderich watched her arch against him and he'd never seen anything so beautiful; all the curving valleys of her body, the heat of her hands on his back and pulling at his hair.


Suddenly she tightened and gasped and threw her head back and gripped at him and he lost it, collapsing with her in a sated mess.

He pulled her close and kissed her through the aftershocks as she came apart beneath him. He gently ran his fingers through her hair as they let themselves calm down and sighed contentedly.

"I dreamt," He said softly. "Of a hand-picked orchestra, beautiful opera singers, full opera houses, lights and cameras. That was my dream and goal and ambition in life. But I met you, Elizabeth. And I wished I'd dreamt of you instead because you are more beautiful and inspiring than any other dream mankind could create. You are my dream, you are my love, my life. I will always come back to you, I will always stay with you." He paused and took her hand, stroking his thumb over her wedding band. "I will always love you. No matter how many opera singers sing and string-players play. You will always be my everything."


When Feliciano made it to the house, it was late and everyone was asleep. He went to the kitchen and rooted through the cupboards, sniffling as he moved around, making a sandwich.

The Italian's actions were slow and tired and dark circles appeared under his eyes. He couldn't bring himself to eat more than a couple of bites, it made him feel sick.

He rubbed his stinging eyes and left his sandwich on the plate in the kitchen before making his way to the living room and falling dead asleep on the couch.


Romano cursed when he saw his brother and ran a hand through his hair as he knelt beside him. He brushed his hair back from his face and Feliciano opened his eyes with a grunt.

"What is it?" He asked groggily.

"You look like shit."

"Thanks." Feliciano rolled his eyes and smacked Romano's hand away.

"Where the hell were you all night?" He asked, frowning. "We were worried about you."

Feliciano closed his eyes and shook his head, pulling up his shirt collar when Romano teased about his purpling marks.

"You finally got yourself back on the saddle, I see." Romano snickered.

"I was with Ludwig." He mumbled and closed his eyes again.

"What the- Ludwig?" Romano shook his shoulder, getting him to wake up. "What the fuck? Where did he come from? Jesus, I know he saved our asses but I thought he was long gone."

"Shut up." Feliciano growled and glared at his brother. "He found me, somehow. I don't know how, I don't want to know. He just did. And now he's fucking gone, okay? He probably won't come back because he's probably dead." The Italian's voice had risen as he grit his teeth. "So get used to saving your own ass."

Romano opened his mouth to raise his voice even louder but he saw the pain flash across his brother's face and he shut his mouth. He sighed and pulled him in for a hug, gripping his shoulder.

Feliciano cried into his shirt.


To be continued...

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