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(A/N: Just a little warning, this has some gore and kidnapping, so if you don't like it, then please skip it.)

Author's POV:

It was time, Hoodie/Brian were getting Keith, smirking as he knew that Keith was going to go bye-bye real soon, and that him and the others will be there to comfort (Y/N)  when it was all over.

Brian/Hoodie's POV:

'Here we go, this boy is about to get tranq'ed and killed. He won't hurt our (Y/N) any longer. His end will be soon, and only the three of us will be able to have (Y/N).' I thought as I found Keith, putting something in his truck, I growled as it was some aluminum cans that (Y/N) was going to sell, I chuckled as I took out my phone and recorded him doing so, I sigh. "Well, (Y/N) looks like I found Keith inside your stuff and stealing it." I told the camera, smirking as I chuckled. "This is no good..." I said as I stopped the recording, sending it to (Y/N), she must've gotten it immediately because I heard her yelling and stomping over, I hid and smirked, watching as our princess get all riled up.

(Y/N)'s POV:

"KEITH, THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH MY CANS!! THAT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE FOR WHEN I NEEDED MONEY, NOT FOR YOU TO STEAL AND SELL!!" I yelled, smacking him as I grabbed the buckets of cans and taking them off the truck, I growled as Keith hit me, making a loud smack, the one of the boys must've heard it because one of them came to my rescue, that someone was Brian. "Don't you ever slap her ever again, you are going to regret doing that to (Y/N)!!" Brian yelled, coming over and grabbing Keith's shirt, growling. "(Y/N), go get yourself patched up, this man took some of your pills too, so I suggest that you go call your pharmacists and get refills... Don't get the police involved!" Brian told me, dragging Keith away, I watched as I was in shock, I then ran and went inside, calling the pharmacist and also contemplated if I should call the police, I decided not to, because I don't want the neighbors getting their noses into my business, I groan as Tim came from behind, hugging me, I smiled and turned, facing him and nuzzled him. "Keith slapped me, and Brian saved me..." I told him as his grip tightened around me. I blushed and looked at him. "Are you okay?" I asked, Tim looked at me and nodded, kissing my head. "I'll be right back, and stay here." Tim said as he let go, walking out the door, I sighed and sat down.

Tim/Masky's POV:

I clinched my jaw and fists as I walked towards Brian/Hoodie and Toby/Ticci Toby, both of them were beating the shit out of Keith, I smirked and grabbed a metal pipe, raising it up and knocking him out, I chuckled as I grabbed his hair. "Brian, go get his truck, Toby, you find some rope, I'll stay here and watch this motherfucker..." I told them as they immediately went to work, I watched Keith as he was asleep, that sleep would soon be permanent once we were done torturing him. 'This asshole thinks he can put his hands on (Y/N)? Well he has another thing coming to him... Soon enough, (Y/N) will be ours, and no one will say anything about it, Boss seems to like her since he searched her information up, he said she might be proxy material... I hope that as soon as we are done and we finally have her, that she will join us...' I thought as Brian came with Keith's truck, Toby came with rope, our plan was set, we had him.


Tim/Masky's POV:

It was around 10PM, we finally bound and gagged Keith, we were speaking in our gear/uniform as Keith slowly woke up, his groaning was an indication that we haven't killed him on (Y/N)'s property. That's good, because he won't last long. I chuckled and turned to him. "Looks like someone's up. Shall we get started?" I ask, walking over and ripping the tape off his mouth, he screamed and flinched. "Who the fuck are you?! Why am I here!? Where is (Y/N)?!" Keith yelled, I growled and punched him, feeling a few teeth come out. "Why do you want to know where our (Y/N) is?! You're the one who slapped her!! I bet you were going to hurt her more if Hoodie wasn't there!" I yelled back as he sat there shocked, staring at me. "W..wait, Tim? Brian? Toby? Dude, I didn't mean to, let me go, I was high, I didn't want to hit her, she hit me first! Please let me go!" Keith cried, crying as he lowered his head, I grabbed his face and made him look at me. "You will refer to us by our alternative names which are Hoodie, Masky, and Ticci Toby.... Got it?!" I wrapped my hand around his throat, he nodded as I smirked under my mask, Brian/Hoodie comes over with some torture devices, I chuckle and helped Toby/Ticci Toby chain him to a wall, we put a dog collar that shocked him when we pressed a button, we also put some shoes that made him stand on his tiptoes, if he stopped his feet would be punctured by the nail under his heels, also we put him on hooks that will tear his flesh if he made any movement to attack or if he moved to escape.

Brian/Hoodie's POV:

"These torture devices are from a few friends of ours, your body will slowly be eaten or carved by a cannibal we know, and if you scream after we leave, you will be killed on the spot, it's almost bedtime for the Pastas and for the killers who want to kill tonight to go on a hunt... Eyeless Jack will be watching you tonight." I told him as our friend, Eyeless Jack came down he smirked and chuckled. "Well if it isn't the Yanderes, how is your princess?" He asked as we fist bumbed each other, us Pastas were like family, sure we fought, but we acted like family, when one of us were in love with a human and went a little crazy for them, we all had each others backs, if we killed our humans that we loved, we are able to cry on each other's shoulder, but that hasn't happened since Slender banned the dating a human thing, he only recently lifted it up so that us proxies can have (Y/N). "She's good, she got hit by her supposed friend, so we are taking care of him... If he is dead before dawn, then you can have him, torture him all you want... Go nuts, E.j." I told him as Toby nodded, him and Masky going out of the basement, as I followed behind. All night, E.j. tortured Keith, and by morning, Keith had died, and was unrecognizable after what E.j. did.

Toby/Ticci Toby's POV:

It was lovely staying up last night and hearing the sounds of Keith as he slowly faded away as dawn approached. My tics and twitches were calmed last night as I knew that Keith was finally gone and won't come back.

(A/N: Cliffhanger again, we have/had made it over 700 reads, this is amazing! What other Creepypasta characters would you like to see Yandere-ifide? Let me know in the comments or message me if you don't want anyone to know!)

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