Author's Note Before Story

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Please read all of this!!

Okay, here's something everyone needs to know, (Y/N) has a few mental problems, one being a bi-polar disorder, so don't fucking comment that she is too trusting and all this other bullshit, it's just a damn book, I'm sick and tired of little CHILDREN (I assumed) saying that the book is all wrong, okay? It's my story, so deal with it! Any negative comments will be deleted! I'm not taking bullshit on how I write my book, I do this to release stress and anxiety, and I do type fast and forget details as I write. I wrote this books as if it was me being the main character, so yes, I am to trusting and tell people things I probably shouldn't say, it is my nature! I do not wish to unpublish this book as so many people love it and want to continue reading it, so please, negativity is a trigger for me in my mental problems, I don't want to get discouraged so that I will never write again.

Update: Y'all still read this book? Damn, I want to make another one, but I'm not inspired to do so, but I do have other books if you want to read them.

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