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Author's POV:

The boys had an agreement with Slenderman to never fight over (Y/N), but now they have to get her home. Not her home, but to their home, so the boys decided to kidnap her, putting her into a guest room until (Y/N) woke up.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I groan as I woke up, not feeling the bed of my own. 'I guess the boys must've taken me home with them.' I thought as I got up from the bed, the window letting light through as it was early morning. I rubbed my eye as I stretched, yawning softly, then there was a knock on the door. "Who's there?" I spoke out, getting up off the bed and going to the door, opening it slowly as I gasp, seeing a bloody killer with hatchets, I scream as two other masked men came over, I backed up and fell backwards, they chuckled as they slowly let themselves in. "Jesus, Toby, you scared (Y/N), why would you do that." The one with a feminine mask asked, coming over and helping me up. "Get away!!" I screamed, slapping his hand away and scorching to the bed, trying to find a weapon to knock them out, finally the one with the red stitched frown and eyes came over and slowly grabbed me, I squirm slightly, trying to get free, that is until he made me look at him, pulling his mask above his lips and kissed me. "Now princess, you can do this the easy way and let us explain, or you can do this the hard way and make us tie you up, then explain... I'm Hoodie... That's Masky, and the one that scared you is Ticci Toby..." Hoodie said as he helped me up and onto the bed. "We heard you were having trouble with some awful friends who hurt you, so we killed them, for you..." He continued as I gasp. "What about Brian, Tim, and Toby?" I said as I try to run, going to find my beloved boyfriends, only to be grabbed and tied with a belt. "(Y/N)... We are them, alright? Chill, we just got back from work, didn't mean to scare you..." Masky said, taking his mask off, smirking. "Now we got two more people who made you upset, you have to act like you don't know us, because you're going to be a hostage... Her name is (EXBestfriend/EnemyName), she was caught with your ex boyfriend (ExBoyFriendName), didn't you have a pretty bad fight with them? Didn't they live in your place a few months ago? They had sex on your guest room bed, they stole your secret stash of money.. They even tried to kill you, but you were nice and dropped charges.... Well they are here.... Alright? We'll make sure that you won't get hurt, you just got to act like you don't know us... Besides, don't you love us to kill one last person who hurt you?" Tim/Masky said, coming over and kissing my cheek, Hoodie/Brian cuddling me, and Ticci Toby/Toby coming from behind and playing with my hair, making me shiver as I nodded. "Okay, it won't be the last time I see blood..." I told them as they smirked, putting me in a doggie pile of kisses and cuddles, a few hours later, the plan was in action. "Alright, babe, Brian is going to take you down there and tie you up, blink twice if you want to stop..." Tim said, making my hair messy and putting some fake bruises on me, as well as some cuts, then Brian threw me down the steps as he picked me up, thank god I can take so much pain. I was fake crying, making it all to real with (EXBF/E/N) and (EXBF/N), they were scared when I was tied up, Brian petting me as he then walked away. "So... I guess we are here now... Going to die...." I said in a fake teary voice, making them jump.

Brian/Hoodie's POV:

"I did it, she is tied, now let's watch them for a little bit and then come in..." I told Tim/Masky, they nodded as Toby went down there, basically setting the items that we will use to torture them, well, not (Y/N), she's to perfect, and I must say, she is a good actress...

Toby/Ticci Toby's POV:

"Alright, Ladies and Gentlemen." I said holding in my twitches at first. "Wh...*twitch*..who wan...*twitch*..ts to go fi..*twitch*..st?" I said as the bitch who hated (Y/N) told me to start with our precious baby. I stood there dumbfounded a bit, unable to comprehend hurting (Y/N). I then smirked, going for the guy first. "Him? Or you?" I told the girl, her heart sank as she begged for me to not start with her. I chuckled as I started with the male, I really didn't want (Y/N) to see it, but she said she would be fine with it, so I'll take her word. I started by cutting and ripping his fingernails off, hearing the screams of the bastard that cheated on our (Y/N). I smirked as the other two got to work, putting the girl into a torture device.

(Y/N)'s POV:

They had just got done putting my ex friend/enemy and my ex boyfriend in their torturing devices.

"Who are you!? What do you want!?! Let them go!!!!" I yelled as I glared at them, the one with the feminine mask looked at me, coming over. "We are Masky, Hoodie, and Ticci Toby, and We Get What We Want.... And this includes you, my dear (Y/N)." Masky said as he caressed my cheek. I nodded as I get untied, Brian and Toby torturing the other two, I hugged Masky/Tim as he lifted his mask and kissed me, I kissed back.

The next day, I woke up to Tim on my right, Brian on my left, and Toby on my belly/legs. I groaned as they all immediately woke up, smirking sleepily. "Morning, babe..." They said in unison. "Morning, guys..." I said back as I kissed each of them, the heated kisses made them hard, so I had to help, and from there, we had amazing morning sex, one up the butt, one up the pussy, and the last in my mouth, each of the guys switching positions til we all came, panting, and drooling from how big they were and how tight I was, I sigh as we all got cleaned up and we all got ready for the day, and today I get to meet their family and boss.

(A/N: I think I will continue, but I don't know, is that a good ending? Are you satisfied with it? Do I keep going? Tell me please! >.< I suck at lemons/smut..... ♡•♡ But I love you guys, you make my day....)

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