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Rex's POV

We hold hands as she drifts to sleep. I could tell she didn't want to be touched anymore but, She still reached out for my hand.

She's laying on her side facing me. Her face looks so calm while she sleeps. I've never seen her look so at peace before. I never paid much attention to her before today but, I knew she existed and that she was in most of my classes. I just thought she was shy and wanted to keep to her self.

I keep to myself at school to but, not as extreme as Alexis does. I just have to keep my focus on getting good grades so, I can go to college and have a real job that can provide for my mom and I. I know I can't fight my whole life so, I need to go to college.

I wish Alexis never had to go through everything she has and I'm sure I don't even know the half of it but, I can't help but be happy that she is laying here in my bed. She is so beautiful. Although she has barely any hair I can tell it is a very light blond color. Her skin is pale which makes the bruises running along her legs more obvious but, I love her beautiful pale skin. She is a petite girl probably only standing at five feet tall and extremely skinny.

I can already tell I'm falling for this mysterious girl laying in my bed.

I'm going to protect her as long as she wants me to.

I'm not tired in the slightest however, when she looked at me with those broken blue eyes I couldn't say no to her. I'm quite enjoying laying here beside her. I've never been this close to some one. I'm embarrassed to admit I'm a virgin and haven't done more than kiss a girl before. But, I've been focused on school and fighting.

I didn't want to do any of those things with anyone before I met Alexis anyway. But, I want Alexis. I want her in every way. I want to take care of her. I want to be her daddy.

I may not have had sex before but, that doesn't mean I'm clue less about what I like sexually. I'm a daddy and I want Alexis to be my little girl.

I hope she will accept this part of me. I don't plan on telling her until she's more comfortable and healthy. She would be the perfect little girl for me. Her father doesn't take care of her so I will and I will make sure she enjoys herself in every way possible.

Alexis flutters her eyelashes bringing me out of my thoughts.

She's been asleep for three hours now and I can tell she needed it. She had dark circles under her eyes all day.

She opens her eyes fully and looks into my own eyes.

"Hi," she whispers.

Her voice is soft and sounds angelic.

"Hi baby girl."

A blush creeps onto her soft cheeks. I smile softly at her blushing and ask, "Are you hungry?"

She nods her head slowly at me.

Alexis' POV

I am extremely hungry! I usually just have one meal a day. The school lunch. I get it for free which is the only reason I'm able to eat at all. I had my break down right before I was able to eat my meal and I can tell I've been asleep for a while now because, I feel more rested then I have in years. My stomach is clawing at me for food and I look up into Rex's eyes and almost forget the hunger because, he's looking at me with love in his eyes which no one has done in years. It nearly makes my heart stop.

"Hi," I whisper.

"Hi baby," he whispers back. I love it when he calls me baby. I want him to always call me baby. I want to be his baby.

"Are you hungry?" he asks. Which, brings back the feeling of hunger and I nod my head hestently.

I know he's the one that asked if I'm hungrey but, will he really let me eat in his house?

Rex sits up from the bed and stands infront of me. "Do you think you can walk or do you want me to carry you?" He asks me.

I can probably walk if I went slowly and it would be painful but honestly I mostly just want to be held in Rex's arms so I reach my arms up to him to signal him to pick me up.

He smiles and I can tell he's also happy he gets to carry me. I don't understand Rex at all. I'm hidious. But, I should just be grateful he is the way he is.

He picks me up gently avoiding my back. I wrap my arms and legs around his body. His hands glid down to the bottom of my butt. Making me flinch. I hide my face in his shoulder embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. I'm just trying not to touch your back. Do you want me to put you down?" Rex asks in a sad voice.

I shake my head and say, "It's ok."

He nods his head and starts to walk us out of his room. We walk down the hall way and turn to a set of stairs. Well I'm even more glad I chose to be held because stairs would have been torcher to walk down. Rex walks down the stairs and turns into the kitchen. His house isn't anything fancy but, Its clean and well taken care of. He sits me down on one of the chairs and asks, "So what would you like to eat?"

I can chose anything? What are my options? I've had the same five school meals everyday for ten years now. I don't have a clue what to tell him.

I guess he notices my confusion because he clears his throat and says, "How about scrabbled eggs with toast? It's one of the few things I can actually cook without burning it."

I can't help but giggle slightly at his comment about burning food and say, "That sounds great."

He just nods in response and gets to work. I watch as he cooks. His back is facing me and I can't help but stair at his back muscles constrict under his tight tshirt. He is so good looking I want him.

What the hell am I thinking?! I never have thoughts like this! But, damn he is so fine I can't help but think about how good it would feel to trace every inch of his body with my hands.

My face heats with the thought of me touching him. He turns around and places a plate infront of me.

I can tell he notices my blush because he smirks as if he knows what I've been thinking.

I look down at the eggs and my mouth waters. It looks delicious! I haven't had breakfast food in so long! Rex sits next to me and starts to eat so I do the same.

As the first bite of eggs hits my taste buds I can't help but moan. I start shoveling the food into my mouth as fast as I can. I can't seem to slow myself down. Just the thought of having the plate taken away from me makes me go faster. I know I shouldn't eat so fast and so much but, I cant stop and I don't want to.

My father would sometimes make the most delicious looking food and call me down to the dinning room table make a plate for me and when I went to take my first bite he would snatch it away and force me to sit there and watch him eat his portion and then my own. It was evil. I hate him for doing that to me more then the beatings I think.

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