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Peri had already cried himself into slumber by the time Phil comes to check on the three of us, James keeping his mouth shut, just watching in what almost looks like fascination as I comfort my precious boy.

He steps into the room eyeing me sternly before shutting the door just loudly enough to startle Peri awake in my arms before he stiffens and wiggles his way just loose enough to look up at me like he can't seem to figure out why he could possibly be asleep in my lap and it's so cute I can't help myself. A quick kiss is enough but when his mouth follows mine just a tad it takes the clearing of a throat for us to put an end to gently moving our lips against one another.

"Pereskia, would you like step out for a moment so I can review your chart? I'd also like to get in a quick physical to make sure you're alright." He addresses the sweet angel in my lap but keeps his eyes trained on me, noting my position as my Boy's own personal Tempurpedic. He was probably starting to think I hadn't been truthful about strenuous activity happening between the two of us... especially after that slow burn of an innocent kiss...

But he was reading it wrong... Right now had nothing to do with getting into his pants, just his comfort... and strangely my own. I need to know that I can hold him without causing him distress.

And he needs to know that he isn't going to be left alone to deal with the fall out of this morning. Family or no family, Peri isn't in any shape to try to take care of himself at the moment and it causes my mind to shiver as I remember what was mentioned about his apartment... no elevator.


It takes me a moment longer than I'd like to admit to answering Dr.Miller, but he gives me time. We were somewhat familiar with each other... he was one of my regular Doctors and had been since my accident... he made sure to always come and check on me whenever I had an appointment or ended up back in the emergency room. A good man. Not always the most sensitive when it comes to choosing his words or letting me know that I'm a dumbass when I'm being one... but a good Doctor and human being none the less.

When I shake my head in the negative his eyes darken I nuzzle my way back into the crook of Arnold's neck to get away from what almost looks like apprehension at my current situation splayed in Arnold's lap, his hands tightening around me ever so slightly.

I wasn't too thrilled about his brother being in the room, but If I had said yes it meant Arnold would be leaving as well and I... I cant. I can't handle it. His presence is still so soothing, even his stolen kisses are like a balm, and with lack of a proper loving family, his embrace is more addictive than my sugar habit...

I almost expect James to excuse himself with the glares being handed out by the good Doctor before he shuffles to the bed and does his best to relax his eyes before addressing me, maybe something to do with the look Arnold shoots back at him, maybe not.

He takes the free chair, perching just on the edge after pulling my chart from the end of the bed and giving it a once over.


"What's the last thing you remember of this morning, Peri?" Phil questions, his eyes focused in on the charts in his hands, but the dual meaning is obvious as he clenches his jaw.

He does think I'm lying.

"Arnold asked me on a date... w-we were eating... No...I-I-I wa-was...Papi me estaba abrazo..." My Princess doesn't seem to notice when he slips into Spanish, but it seems to help his focus and his stutter eases... I'd need to brush up on my Spanish but I know he isn't saying anything bad about me with the way Phillip finally relaxes his jaw, though it does twitch at the word Papi, " Mi Lado Izquierdo estaba cansado y se sentía bein...But Jas had worked me up... I-I pushed myself too hard trying to outpace h-him when he was foll-following me..." his next words are muffled as he buries himself even further into my shoulder, "Papi me hizo sentir segura, para no fue suficiente para calmame..."

I'm not the only one in the room with the Daddy kink but I'll be damned if Peri ever calls anyone else Papi.

Especially Phil if he had been too thick in the head not to scoop him up on contact the first time Peri was ever brought here... For a moment I can see the look in Phillip's eyes... we all got it...even James. The aggressive Doctor was thinking about his own version of Mighty Mouse, one of the few male nurses on rotation here that he still hadn't been able to coerce out on a date or into a scene, despite his best efforts.

"So Arnold made you feel better? It just wasn't enough to hold it off... That's interesting." Phillip pulls a pen from the pocket of his very professional white coat and makes a note in the margins of his chart, "But nothing else from this morning? Can you tell me what you had for breakfast?"

Peri slowly shakes his head, his riot of curls tickling my nose. It would have been adorable if he hadn't been admitting to losing a chunk of his memories from earlier. But he did say he knows I made him feel better and that's good. That means he doesn't blame me for what happened.

"I need you to sit forward, please," Phil demands with a sigh as he stands, palming the stethoscope around his neck and leaning over the side of the bed.

His proximity sends Peri into a fit of shivers and he refuses to let go of my waist where he had managed to snake his arms around me...

"I know you dont want them to see but we need to do it, Pereskia." Phillip slips into the same tone he uses with his own boys and it has Peri stiffening in my lap.

There are no sexual tones to any of it, more like an actual Father scolding a naughty child, just pure dominance and I can see why he is able to keep his job despite his bluntness. He could get patients to listen, and in his line of work I can see how it could come in handy.... but what is it that Peri didnt want me to see? Or maybe it's just because James is in the room... as I open my mouth to tell my younger brother to get out, Peri shuffles in my arms and slowly sits forward, eyes down.

Phillip makes short work using his stethoscope before he starts checking reflexes, but only on Peri's right side.

Once he's finished he grips my angel by the chin and pulls his face up until they're eye to eye, "I'll try and be fast with the next part because I know it hurts right now, but you need to make sure to do what I say, Okay?"

Peri squeaks his approval as they start a dance that is clearly familiar to both of them, Peri pulling himself out of my lap to sit on the edge of the bed, legs dangling.

James and I watch in fascination as Phillip sets down the small joint hammer he's holding and uses his fingers to tap on Peri's left knee and it barely reacts. Peri lets himself be pulled off the crinkly mattress by the Doctor with only a supportive hand to steady him with his cane being across the room.

As soon as he's balanced enough Phillip let's go of him and strides across the small room before picking up said piece of equipment, but not offering it my Princess. Instead, he holds it up and barks orders, "You know the drill. 10 steps. Then try and grab your cane with both hands."

I want to be angry but my curiosity wins out... as much as it pisses me off that he knows Peri's had an awful day pain wise and he's still making him walk unassisted... I know that my old friend wouldn't do it without a reason.

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