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Most of my questions are answered by the time Arnold had stuffed both of us to bursting, stealing quick kisses and making me laugh with cheesy jokes.

Arnold lives in upper Manhattan. He grew up in Connecticut with two younger brothers, James and Arthur; and both of his parents are still alive and well. He's a criminal defense attorney who's good at what he does.

My Papi had had no problem relaxing and opening up to me once everyone calmed down and left us alone. He mentioned the painting only once to pay me a compliment and then didn't linger. I had asked him to share himself with me since I felt as though I was on display and he had obliged without incident insisting that he understood where I was coming from.

I had been afraid that he would start acting differently after what happened this morning. Afraid he'd eventually start treating me like an invalid....and after that damned waitress had nearly caused a riot I thought he'd change yet again, but the shift never comes. Arnold stayed steady and even, more interested in us and our conversation than the buzz of activity around us.

It hadn't taken long to figure out that he preferred having me in his lap for his comfort more than mine. The man was itching to touch me in any way he could, the hand not feeding us always gliding it's way up and down my side, from hip to chest. He likes to cuddle and be affectionate and doesn't seem to really care about public displays of affection. It's nice. After such a long morning being held close and feeling so secure and safe makes me feel 100 times better than before. Having him wound around me to shield me from the outside world makes me want this date to never end.

"How old are you, Princess?"


Peri had taken a while to relax after Jean, the owner, had finally understood that neither one of us wanted half the wait staff assigned to our table and left us alone. He had gotten there eventually but seemed to need to be loved on to help, not that I'm ever going to complain about that. He was and still is pressing himself so tightly against me, all curled up and sweet as he lets me fuss over him. At first, I had expected anger over not getting the chance to do it himself like with the ordering, but he stays quiet, content to let me start conditioning him. This would be his normal before he even realizes what's happened.

"I'll be 21 next month..." My Princess shivers in my lap and for a second I think he's going to tuck himself under my chin but doesn't, choosing to avert his eyes and stay where I can stare at him instead as a beautiful blush fills his tan cheeks, "You?"

"Jesus... Barely legal. You'll think I'm ancient." I chuckle and he snaps his hand against my chest teasingly as he waits for my answer.

I steal the kiss that may well be my last and making it a soft sweet one before nipping his bottom lip and pulling away.

"I turned 39 last May."

He sucks in a gasp as expected and tucks his burning face into my shoulder for a moment to collect his thoughts before peering up at me with those pretty brown eyes, his nose rings glinting in the late afternoon sun streaming in through the tinted windows, "I'm...I'm not too young for you? I've not had time to accomplish anything, Papi."

I chuckle and draw his face up for a hungrier version of our last kiss... His shyness turns me on entirely too much.

"Not if you don't think I'm too old."

He takes another moment to figure out if he thinks I am, and instead of being offended I'm glad. I'd rather have him leave now if it bothers him instead of in a year from now when the emotions invested will have more meaning...more weight.

A small smile works its way onto Peri's face and he slowly shakes his head, "Not too old... Not if you're always this sweet to me."

I can't help the grin that works its way onto my face as I give him a tight squeeze and elicit the most adorable riot of shy giggles to spill from his sweet lips.


I hadn't noticed when Arnold had set the fork down. We had stopped eating a while ago and it had completely escaped my attention until his hand was free to cup my cheek in a gentle caress before tugging his fingers through my curls.

"I'll be even sweeter if you let me." He hums, finally motioning to the waitress that had been hanging on in the wings ready to pounce if we were to need assistance. She wasn't close enough to make us uncomfortable or anything like that... But it was clear that she had no other tables.

I keep quiet as she steps forward and starts collecting dishes, whispering something about a desert flight that Arnold agrees to before dismissing her and giving me his full attention again.

"I'd really like to do something special to make up for you having such a shit morning, Princess. Would you be willing to let me?"

My eyes go wide in shock at his words. He wanted to make up for me having a bad morning? Why? I had bad mornings all the time and no one else had ever tried to make my days better.

My Mother had only ever stuck a canvas in front of me and a paintbrush in my hand to keep me quiet and out of her way instead of lending me her shoulder to lean on. They, for the most part, ignored me in the last few years once they realized that any more progress I could make physically would be extremely slow going now that I'm older. They just shut me away in the studio for hours on end to teach class after class... Staring at the same nude model and bowl of fruit week after week.

"Peri? You've gotten lost in your head again, Angel..." Arnold croons just as our dessert arrives.

I wait until the waitress clears off before wiggling enough to look my Papi in the eye, something that is getting harder and harder to do.

"I'd really like that."

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