Chapter 44: Days go by

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So in this there is some different language speaking and I'm to lazy to translate it so y'all can google translate it in the comments! Ik I'm so nice.I'll tell you if it's right or wrong. Also, if your completely fluent in any of those languages, sorry i probably won't be the most accurate but whatever.

The Avengers were tired. They've been chained up for a day already. It sucked. Didn't they just get away from Hydra a year ago? Weren't we done with them? Guess not.

They all decided to rest while Tony and Nat stayed up to be on guard and alert the other of anything. Just in case.


The dark cold floor. The only thing holding him up from all the downhills in his life. He heard sounds in the shadows.

And suddenly, eyes came close to his face again this time, they weren't blue. They were red.

Almost like.......


Peter gasped as he woke up in a sweat. Tony and Nat looked at him. " Peter you good?" Natasha asked. Peter shakily nodded his head.


" What's with these dreams Pete?" Tony asked. " I don't know" Peter shrugged. " So this time, they were red eyes instead of blue?" Tony said. " Yup, the eyes of that girl" Peter whispered so the agents wouldn't hear, just in case they were watching.

" So, if the blue eyes were hers, then who did the red eyes belong to?" Nat asked. " I don't know, they looked pretty similar" Peter said in thought.

" What are you talking about?" John asked coming into the room. " Nunya" replied Peter.
" Nunya? Never heard of it. Mind to enlighten me on the subject?"

" No, it's nunya buissness" Peter sassed. John scoffed. Then I will make it my buissness. John walked closer to Peter and out came a knife in his hand.

Peter got flashbacks of last time he was in Hydra. The knifes, the cuts, the stabs, The pain. The pain was the worst.

" N-no" Peter stuttered. " I thought so" John smirked. John left the room. " Peter, что мы будем делать?" Natasha asked. "я не знаю" Peter replied.

" Девушка ничего не сказала, возможно, ей промыли мозги" Peter reasoned. "Но как мы можем знать наверняка?" Nat asked. "переулке она и мужчина начали спорить, но затем прекратили кашлять. Это может быть один, если это технология промывания мозгов" Peter said.

Nat thought for a second. " Maybe" She whispered under her breathe. "так что мы собираемся сделать?" Peter asked. "Мы можем попытаться как-нибудь «промыть ей мозги»" Nat said.

" But how?" Peter asked. "Hmm, Oh! I know!" Nat exclaimed quietly. "когда мы сбежали от гидры, на вас была табличка, которая все еще держала вас под контролем Гидры. Может быть, есть на ней?" Nat said. " ohh" Peter replied.

" Ya, that'll work" Peter said. " Uhh, mind telling us what's going on?" Clint asked. " Uhm, sure" Peter said.

Peter started tapping one finger on the floor some long taps, some short. Tony got it. Bruce got part of it. He didn't understand all of it though. Clint and Steve were still confused.

Peter thought Steve might know German from the 80's. He decided to try. ( idk potassium, just roll with it)

"Verstehen?" Peter asked. Steve nodded.
" Suchen Sie nach einer kleinen Tablette für das Mädchen, wir könnten auf etwas sein"Peter said. " Uhmm, IM STILL CONFUSED!" Clint said.

" Shhh" they all shushed him. " Ok Ok I'm sorry" Clint said putting his hands up.
"comprendre?"Clint shook his head. " Pas de Français?" Peter asked. " Nope" Clint said.

" uhmmm" Peter thought. " What's with the language things?" Clint asked. " So they don't know what we're saying!" Nat whisper shouted.
" Latina?" Peter asked.

" Uhm, kinda" Clint said. Peter nodded. "Puellae per Tablet. pervenit" Clint slowly nodded. " Peter, can you run it by me again?" Bruce asked.

Peter tapped the floor in Morse code. Bruce still only kinda got it. Peter stopped and thought for a second. " Ok" Peter took a deep breath. " This is going to be long"

" Germanium tau, tantalum boron lepton electron tau, oxygen fluorine fluorine, gluon iridium lepton" Peter said. Bruce nodded. " I remember when you used to use those to swear at Sam" Tony smirked. " Oh, still do" Peter said. " Peter!" Tony scolded.

" Oh shit"

Ok yeah I didn't know how to end it so that happened I ended it as quickly as possible because I posted like super super late today so heheh

Future edit: I put the translations in the comments beside the paragraph so if you go back to when they speak the different language the translation will be there beside the comment

Uhm yeah that's all I have for rn

Btw, like none of my readers are hamilfans but like

Today I was blasting Hamilton in my room so ye that was fun



If you don't know Hamilton you better catch up

Ye that's all


Kartopfencopf out!!


" WhAt dEm FriEd pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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