Chapter 50: Mortal kombat my ass!

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Ayeeeeee were at chapter 50 already!! Let me just say thank you all you wonderful supportive potatos! You guys are amazing and super supportive. I did not expect this story to get this big it was even #1!!!!

Thanks to everyone for reading my story and reading it this far and joining me on this journey in writing.

When I started writing I only had 4 reads on each chapter and I never thought it would ever get this far. I only had four readers for months and months but I kept going and my writing got better and ppl came. So if you guys are writing don't give up hope like I once did.

If you ' build' it they will come.


" Oh, shut up you little brat" Bronco snapped.
" Hey, watch it there bud, let me remind you your under our arrest now!" Tony snarled turning his repulsed into a gun and deepening it into broncos stomach.

" I wouldn't be to sure about that" John smirked. The Avengers just gave him confused glances. Then....


White smoke arose from the ground. Making all the Avengers cough. And suddenly, the three Hydra agents were gone.

" Where'd they go?" Steve asked. " Not sure" Tony said. " Avengers, keep your guard up they could be anyw-" Steve was cut off by thousands of Hydra agents fleeing at them.

" You mean there?" Tony sarcastically asked. A agent came at one Avengers each and they started fighting. " this is no time for sarcasm Tony" Steve said while putting his shield up to block a Hydra agent's weak round house kick.
( like seriously, who are these guys?)

Steve kicked forward and the agent tumbled backwards knocking him out. " Oh hey, bud" Peter said when he saw a agent running at him.
" Hold this for me please?" He asked webbing a small string to the dudes wrist then he suddenly was up in the air hanging by his foot.
Another Agent went for Spider-Man but he was quickly done with a kick from Peter then got webbed to wall by his face making him suffocate.

As more Agents started to surround the Avengers gunshots went off and there were ballots firing everywhere. Peter put his hands over his face looking up. The dude he hung by his foot was shooting down at them.

Tony and Nat would have helped out but they were busy with other agents. Steve was busy fighting John, Thor was beating the shit out of multiple agents with his lightning, Clint was trying out some mortal kombay moved, Tbh he didn't look that good doing them he just looked like a geek. But it was working 🤷‍♂️and Bruce..... well, Let's just say Bruce got shrekified and ran off carrying like twenty agents in his arms.

And maybe there were multiple high pitched screams heard from afar....

Anyway! He came back and took another fifty or so. Same thing, we won't get into detail....

" Aw cmon man" Peter said looking up at the guy. Another dude came running to Peter from behind but Peter didn't even look, just put his arm up and the agent ran right into Peters arm and was knocked out.
( dang he got some muscles eh? 😏)

" I thought I was finished with you" Spider-Man said webbing the gun out of the mans hand and webbing him down to the ground and roundhouse kicked him to a wall. Then he got webbed to the wall. Two more agents came up to Peter and he started his fight again.

Hulk came back and looked around before letting out a loud growl. "NO MORE PUNY AGENTS!!" Tony and Peter looked around, there was no more agents. Peter just finished the last of them while Nat, Tony, Steve and Thor were fighting one agent each and that was it.

Once they finished there really was no more agents, there at least. Still probably more agents at their base like the girl, John and Bronco. And probably more ''nobody's''.

" Well, that was eventful" Peter said. " Yeah, you could say that again" Tony snorted. " Well, that was eventful" Peter retorted. Making all the Avengers giggle.


Ok so, I know I've used that ending before but whatever. I'm at 660 words so I figured I should end it there even though this chapter was kinda lame. It was just lame fighting. I mean, they are awesome at fighting, just horribly written.

I used a emoji in a story for the first time! Honestly it looked kinda strange but it was needed for more effect.


All for now potatos!


" WhAt dEm fRiEd pOtAtOs?" 🥔

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