Chapter 22: tablet

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A small round pretty thick tablet was channeling all the lights through Peters body. Bruce picked it up with tongs and put it on a tray and ran multiple tests on it.

While the tests were running peter stoped jerking around. Steve Natasha and Tony were holding down peter and Bruce, Clint and Wanda were trying to calm him down. Though Wanda couldn't talk much she tried her best to be as caring and gentle as she could to calm the boy down.

Wanda gently placed her hand on his arm, she tried to read his mind, nothing. Which was weirdly strange. All that was in his mind was.... uh oh... HYDRA.

She gasped, and took a few steps back. He was still taken over, brainwashed. By hydra. What was hydra going to get peter to do now? And why? Her little brother, was being brainwashed once again and was trying to kill them. She had already lost her twin brother, she didn't want to loose another.

The Avengers looked at her with confusion and concern. " Wanda are you ok? Do you need me to get a nurse?" Steve asked. Oh right, she wasn't supposed to use her magic. But none of them knew she did. Her hands didn't hurt to much, but they were still pretty red..

" Wanda!?" Bruce asked snapping Wanda back to reality.

All of the Avengers were now starring at her, except peter who had his head turned the other way starring at the wall.

She just looked at them, not knowing what to say. She wasn't supposed to be saying anything  in general, her throat was still pretty red.

She finally got the courage and mouthed the word ' hydra' earning more confused glances. Bucky, however, knew what hydra was truly capable of,he knew the tablet Bruce got off from peter probably had something to do with Hydra.

" Natasha, when you carried peter out of the hole we escaped out of, did anything happen before that? More specifically peter and a tablet on his body?"

" hmmmm" Natasha put her hand on her chin looking up at the ceiling. " oh yeah, now that I think back to it I think I saw that guy with a gun shoot something at peter but it's kinda foggy. I wasn't really focused. I was more thinking about escaping" Natasha said.

The tests were done on the tablet, it came back as something that could wipe someone's memory. Bruce looked back to the team immediately with worry in his eyes, they returned the look.

He told them what the tablet did, and they grew just as worried as Wanda.

Another chapter today cuz all y'all are amazing
And plus I left you guys on a bit of a cliffhanger
That's it for today!

Thanks for still reading!

Love you 3000


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