Sphinx And The Prince

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Yes! No one can answer my riddle
And ever dared  to defy,
And now I got to kill  and eat you,
Yes! I'm powerful.
Oh! My dear beautiful sphinx;
Wait a minute,
I 'm here to answer your riddle
But before that I want to tell you,
You are very beautiful and mightier;
Sphinx never heard such appreciation and affection;
She felt something different for the first time.. Then,
Sphinx asked the riddle
And the prince got his answer right.
Oh Poor Sphinx! she forfeited ,
Now that she have to kill herself.
Wait sphinx ,
Kill and eat me;
But don't kill yourself
Even if I got your riddle right.
I fell in love with you,
I can't see you dying my love!
Sphinx can't hold herself
Fallen on her knees with tears rolling down,
And asked the prince
knowing that I'm a monster and I'm  not a human,
You still love me, why?
Coz I can see your beautiful heart,
And you don't  even know yourself.
Oh my love, my prince!  She cried;
I will hold your hand forever,
Though I can't turn to look as a human
But i'll try to be your beautiful monster.
                    ~Rajashree kaushik

Thank you readers for taking out your time to read my poem 😊. Let me tell you that I took the character 'Sphinx' from Greek mythology, a Sphinx is represented as a monster with a head of a woman, the body of a lioness, the wings of an eagle and a serpent headed tail.
She was sent by the Gods to plague the town of Thebes as punishment for some ancient crime, preying on its youths and devouring all who failed to solve the riddle. The regent of Thebes, King Creon, offered the throne to the one who would destroy her(Sphinx). Oedipus took up the challenge and when he solved the Sphinx's riddle, she cast herself off the mountainside in despair.
{ The riddle asked by Sphinx - 'what is that walks on four legs in the morning, on two at noon, and on three in the evening?'
The answer was 'a human'
A man is a baby in the morning of his life and he crawls on four feet.
A man is an adult in the noon- the middle part- of his life and he walks on two feet.
But when a man is old, in the evening of his life, he walks with a cane, on three feet. }


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