🦋Chapter Four🦋

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... I'm young, I'm vibrant, I'm strong, I'm intelligent...."

Song for the chapter: NF oh lord.

In Islam, God is the absolute one, the all-powerful and all-knowing ruler of the universe, and the creator of everything in existence. Islam emphasizes that God is strictly singular; unique; inherently One; and also all-merciful and omnipotent. According to Islam, God is neither a material nor a spiritual being. Wikipedia

In monotheistic thought, God is conceived of as the supreme being, creator deity, and principal object of faith.[1] God is usually conceived as being omniscient (all-knowing), omnipotent (all-powerful), omnipresent (all-present) and as having an eternal and necessary existence. These attributes are used either in way of analogy or are taken literally. God is most often held to be incorporeal (immaterial).[1][2][3] Incorporeality and corporeality of God are related to conceptions of transcendence (being outside nature) and immanence (being in nature) of God, with positions of synthesis such as the "immanent transcendence".

Some religions describe God without reference to gender, while others or their translations use sex-specific terminology. Judaism, for example, attributes only a grammatical gender to God, using terms such as "Him" or "Father" for convenience.[4]. Source :Wikipedia


Ashley didn't come to school till it was break time. She showed up at school dripping wet and cold. Mrs Nancy who saw her at the gate quickly took her to the schools clinic, took off all her clothes and wrapped her with a comforter then made a cup of tea for her. Ashley couldn't have been more grateful than she is right now. This act made her feel secure and warm. When the rain poured down on her heavily earlier today, and she felt different as if she was reborn again.

"Ashley James where were you that you got beaten by the rain?". Mrs Nancy asked as she collected the empty mug cup from Ashley. She had been patient enough to let her finish before questioning her.

"I-i was beaten by the rain on my way here". Ashley stared down at her fingers. Her fingernails had many white stains on it which was so unusual.

"Wasn't there a place you could stay under before.......... ". Mrs James asked again only to be cut short by Ashley.

"Who is God?". Ashley cut her by suprise. Mrs Nancy was still shocked since yesterday that a child in the tenth grade In this 21st century dosen't know who God is. She had spoken about it to her husband and the man was surprised too.

She sighed as she tried to look for a better explanation for the young lady before her. "God is God is all knowing. He knows everything and anything......."

"Is he google?". Ashley asked again. She doesn't understand what it means for someone to know everything, it's only google that knows everything right?

"No honey. He's not. Infact he's greater than google. He created us all. He even created the owner of google". Mrs Nancy explained further. Ashley was very surprised cause she didn't know that there was someone that mighty.

"He created my parents?". Her inquisition  grew bigger this time. If he was that mighty she would go and see him and beg him to make her family okay again, make her parents take care of her and end the bullying she was facing.

"Yes dear he did and he created you too".

"Where does he stay. Do you have his address?.. I- I need to see him!". Ashley couldn't contain her joy. She would go after school to go see him

"Heaven". Was Mrs Nancy's reply. She couldn't believe it, does that mean Ashley haven't been taking religion and national values seriously?

"How far is that?". Ashley's eyes grew bigger and then fumbled with her phone to use Google Map and locate God's Adress but then she stopped.

"But-but isn't heaven up there?". She pointed to the ceiling and Mrs Nancy nodded. This girl needs extra classes and a strong foundation of religious studies. She watched the little's girls face fall into a frown and she felt bad for her, she was already having interest for the topic and now she'll be lost again. She was about to say something when Ashley's next words catch her by surprise.

"Will you lend me some money?. I'll pay you back. I need to book a flight. To heaven".

Making someone feel bad all the time is not right. Stop bullying!!!! 🦋❤

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