Using References Pt. 1

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References are key in Beatlese. The rule is, if there is English spoken in the reference, it's fine because it was spoken by a legend. For example:

"God I'm sorry, I'm sorry, god I'm sorry."- Paul McCartney, outtake of I'll Be Back

"Do it slower."
"No."- John and Paul, Early take of I Want to Hold Your Hand

You get the idea. But now let's discuss how to make references.

You've all probably made a reference or two. I know I have, I try to make them every chance I get, even if I know that John one will get it.

And one more rule of references: Don't be afraid. Paul, most likely the people around you won't get it. But does that really matter? John. John it doesn't. All that matters is that you're having fun and showing your love for these legends. Make those references and be proud!

Ok, enough background information. Let's begin!

These reference guides will be split up into parts. This is guide for using them in their movies, songs, and interviews.

For the examples for the movies, I will be using quotes from A Hard Day's Night, my personal favorite of their movies, and the one I know every line to. In my opinion, this movie has the most lines that can be easily referenced.

Basically, for any Beatles movie, you can just say a random line without having any meaning behind it at all. But here, we will describe the lines that can be quoted easily and how to use them. After that, you can find your own ways to reference other quotes.

"Who's that little old man?"-Used when asking who someone is. Doesn't even have to be an old man, if you want to be mean about it 😂

"You're a swine."- A common insult in Beatlese. We will get to those later.

"Hey mister, can we have our ball back? *followed by one of their faces*"-Used to annoy someone.

"We've broken out, the blessed freedom of it all! Have you got a nail file? These handcuffs are killing me! I was framed! I'm innocent! I don't want to go! I bet you can't guess what I was in for."- This is used when you're in a group of strangers. If you're not George like I am, just bust this out if you're bored.

*John laughs while getting up to leave after Shake and Norm exit and tell them to reply to the mail*- This laugh can be used when purposely trying to be mischievous.

Any of the ways the Beatles act or dance during that scene in the movie is a perfect fiendish thingy to do at a party.

At a party, are you a:

John- mostly chills out eating and talks with people

Paul- mostly flirts with girls but sometimes dances

George- dances with girls

Ringo: dances wildly with everyone

Which one are you guys? I'm a John.

The entire scene of John in the bath can be either said while playing in the bath or just having fun. The German can be said if you want to annoy someone who doesn't know German or the Beatles. George's line "Torpedoed again, eh?" can also be said.

Whenever people are taking pictures of you, make one of the many faces George makes when he is photographed.

Now here's a mini test: How would you reply if you were asked any of the following questions?

"How did you find America?"

"Has success changed your life?"

"Are you a mod or a rocker?"

"Have you any hobbies?"

"Do you think these haircuts have come to stay?"

"What would you call that hairstyle you're wearing?"

"Do you often see your father?"

"How do you like your girlfriends to dress?"

A rule when answering questions is that if you don't want to answer someone's question, follow Paul and say, "No, actually, we're just good friends." That line can also be used if someone asks if you're dating another person and you're not ( Which was an actual situation I had to deal with and solve with this).

When you leave a place you don't like (me with school), shout "We're out!".

Whenever you are running down stairs really quickly or playing in a huge open field, sing some lyrics to Can't Buy Me Love. If someone yells at you for this, say "Sorry we hurt your field, mister." It doesn't matter if it's a girl or boy.

"Stop being taller than me."-If you are shorter than one of your friends, say this around them. The entire scene following this can be said randomly because all of it works, especially the lines "Don't cane me sir, I was led astray." And "I now declare this bridge open." You may figure out how to use the separate lines on your own.

"Oh, that this too, too, solid flesh would melt. Zap!"- This is a miscellaneous line that can be used anywhere.

"It's my considered opinion that you're a bunch of sissies."- An insult to a group of people, but once again, we'll get there.

If you thought that Ringo and George's dances were funny, just wait until you see John's. It is perfect to bust out while dancing, just don't hurt yourself.

Well, that's basically it. If you guys know any ones I forgot, just tell me. Now go forth and make references, and continue to do the same with all of the other movies.

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