Simple Beatlese Rules

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Here are some rules to follow in Beatlese:

1. When you find someone else who is speaking the language (feel free to spread your knowledge to others, we need more people speaking Beatlese in this world) and they say something wrong,  politely say "Mcxuse me?". Then if needed you can correct them. After that, they must say "Mcxuse my language.". That rule is also applied for yourself. If you catch yourself doing this on accident, correct yourself and say the same fiendish thingy. Don't worry, this is common. There is nothing wrong with a few mistakes now and then (sad reference).

2. When you speak, make sure to say the phrase "y'know" as many times as you can. It can get annoying, so try not to do that in front of people who can't stand it. If they don't mind, do it as often as possible and make Paul proud.

3. The word "why" must be said either like Ringo in Magical Mystery Tour (normal tone for simply asking a question) or in Yoko's high pitched annoying voice (angry/frustrated tone). This rule only applies when you are saying the word on its own.

4. If you make a Beatles reference and English is spoken in the reference, it is fine. Say it properly. Don't screw up history.

5. The word "book" is pronounced "bewk". This is because of the way Paul's grandfather produced it in A Hard Day's Night when telling Ringo he should be living and not reading books.

6. This may sound strange, but if you're ever in a situation where you bring up Paul's blue meanie, it's called the McBooty.

7. Whenever you say something is coming up, the phrase "like a flower" must follow it.

8. When you are around your friends and you're saying hi or greeting each other to an extent, pretend you are taking off a hat (or actually do it if you're wearing one) and say "it's me!"

9. If you accidentally fart around multiple people, if you want to be polite and make a reference, you can be like Ringo and say "I farted. I just thought I'd let you know." This can only be done if no one actually heard.

There are probably many more eventually, but I have some news to share:

If you would like to contribute to the language, you are more than welcome to! We would love to have some more co-creators working on the international (well...hopefully soon to be once we spread the word so do it) language for all beatlemaniacs to speak!

If you would like to do so, please tell me or message me and you can start making creating your own words, phrases, and rules to add to the language! Caleb and I would love for you to contribute, and besides, I would like to keep adding to this book as I feel like I don't publish it enough.

Have fun and go crazy, beatlemaniacs!

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