Using References pt. 2

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A part two to a guide on using references! Last time, we touched on movie references, using A Hard Day's Night as an example, and explored overall how we should do them and the rules. Remember, if English is spoken in the reference, don't change it. Number one rule.

But let's get to our second area: songs. How can we reference Beatles songs? Since there are so, so many to pick from including the solo fiendish thingies which I will be touching on as well, I'll only choose a few that I reference constantly. Technically, if you get creative enough, you can reference any song. Ever. This is a guide to show you how to think. Also, keep in mind that I literally just looked off of my Beatles playlist on Spotify and everything is in total random order because of that. I apaulogize.

I Saw Her Standing There- See a person standing somewhere? Mention this.

Misery- Whenever you're feeling down, you could always say that you're in misery, and maybe use lyrics. (Using lyrics in the songs are always Linda as well)

Do You Want to Know a Secret- When asking someone if they want to know a secret, paulfect for bringing it out.

Don't Bother Me- Want to be left alone? Simply say this.

Money (That's What I Want)- If you want money, say it, but make sure you add the "That's what I want" part, as it ties it all together.

I Should Have Known Better- For an apaulogy.

You Can't Do That- When telling someone they can't do something.

Help- Simple. When asking for help. But for extra referencing, add more lyrics.

Birthday- On someone's birthday, sing this. This is what I personally prefer.

Come Together- When wanting a certain group or even group of things to join, this is the reference.

Here Comes the Sun- When the sun comes out.

Get Back- When telling someone to back away. Or even go away.

I Want to Hold Your Hand- Want to hold someone's hand? This is the best way to tell them.

We Can Work it Out- When dealing with a problem, here's a way to deal with it paulimistically.

Here, There and Everywhere- When fiendish thingies are surrounding you.

Good Morning Good Morning- To tell someone "good morning", as touched upon in Beatlese Rules.

Good Night- To tell someone "good night", as partially touched upon in Beatlese Rules.

I've Got a Feeling- When you're confident.

Long, Long, Long- When something is taking forever.

Ok everyone! Now we're into the solo Beatles songs!

Jealous Guy- Any form of jealousy.

Nobody Told Me- If someone didn't tell you about something.

Imagine- Just simply saying the word (haha look I made a reference there) when wanting to imagine something.

I Don't Wanna Face it- When you don't want to do something or face the truth.

Out the Blue- When something comes to you unexpectedly. John matter who or what it is.

I Found Out- When finding out something new.

Oh My My- Don't say oh my, say oh my my. That's the reference.

Behind That Locked Door- An uplifting masterpiece referenced when cheering another up.

Ding Dong, Ding Dong- Song sung for New Year. Also, all Beatles Christmas songs are referenced for Christmas although I haven't put them here, but you know them.

Not Guilty- When you aren't guilty of something but are being accused.

Here Comes the Moon- Opposite of Here Comes the Sun. When the moon is coming out.

Blow Away- When it is pol windy.

All Things Must Pass- Sadly, when someone or something dies.

I Don't Know- Obvious. When you don't know the answer to something.

Who Cares- When standing up to bullies, especially beatlemaniac bullies because who cares what the idiots say 🥰

Get Me Out of Here- When you're stuck somewhere that you don't want to be and just want to leave.

My Valentine- A song to sing to your Valentine.

Why So Blue- When someone is sad and you're trying to help.

Beautiful Night- On a pretty night.

Calico Skies- Similar concept. When describing the skies.

Great Day- When you're gonna have a great day.

Hope of Deliverence- Using the saying for peaceful terms.

I Owe it All to You- Sing to the one you beatle. Maybe a Beatle? Paul's off limits though... 🤭

My Brave Face- Whenever you're picking yourself up from a hard time, show you're strong with this ❤️

I Lie Around- On lazy days. Me for the past few months...oops. Ta, college.

Country Dreamer- Country person, or know someone who is? Reference!

Letting Go- When giving up.

I've Had Enough- When you're basically just fed up with everything. Put some lyrics into it to help.

With a Little Luck- The paulimistic ways of believing everything is alright, and that's what you reference here.

Don't Let it Bring You Down- When telling someone that something shouldn't bother them, or just trying to help in general.

Getting Closer- When getting closer to a goal or an area, many different uses for this one.

Spin it On- If you listen to records a lot like me...this is paulfect for you.

Cut Me Some Slack- Something to say when someone's on your back.

Another Day- When the day is just another boring day.

Try Not to Cry- When you're on the brink of tears. Trust me, we've all been there.

We All Stand Together- When you're in a group of people who are working together.

Find My Way- Another paulimistic song to use when you're confident.

Deep Deep Feeling- When you beatle someone a lot.

Instant Karma- Don't simply say the word karma. In Beatlese, it is put together and known as instant karma.

I'm Stepping Out- When you want out of something.

Coming Up- As mentioned in the Beatlese Rules, whenever saying something is coming up, the saying "like a flower" must follow.

No No Song- When you refuse drugs, any drug, not just the ones he mentions. I still think this song should be taught in schools to teach kids to not do drugs. I legitimately feel like it would help. Campaign to have that happen, anybody?

Now and Then- Ah...couldn't forget you. Whenever you say the phrase "now and then", a lyric must be followed. Doesn't matter. Pick one.

I'd also just like to take the time to mention that if you haven't heard any of these songs you should go do so. They are amaccazing. Paul, I know most of these are from Paul's solo career, but that's because his solo career is paulfection and go appreciate it 😍😍😍

Like I said, you can reference any Beatles song if you put your mind to it and if there's a situation that fits it. These are just ways to get you going.

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