Chapter three:

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--Day one--

First and second lesson were finally over for Carly.  It was hard for her especially since the teachers thought that she was a new student, so they made her introduce herself to the whole class.  Carly didn’t mind but what she did mind was that the majority of the girls wouldn’t stop sending her sultry glances. 

I swear to God this is getting ridiculous not only did I catch the girls giving me that look but I’m pretty sure I caught some of the boys sending me the same glances.  This had better be worth it...

A clap on Carly’s shoulder startled her out of her thoughts and she looked up to Callum’s grinning face, “So how was it?  Still wondering if all this is worth it?”

Carly glared at him but a treacherous smile rose on her lips at the fact that he knew her so well, “Shut up,” She said slapping his arm playfully, “And it went alright, I just don’t like those creepy looks everyone is giving me.”

“Aw,” Callum cooed, “Is Carl scared that a girl will drag him into a dark corner and rape him?”

“Yes, I most definitely am scared of that,” Carly said crossing her arms, “And I see you’re sticking to my guy name.”

“I’m going to have to,” Callum said lacing his hands behind his head, as they made their way down the packed hallways, “I don’t want to accidently call you out by your real name,” He whispered further.

“Yeah but what about Liam,” Carly pointed out, “I mean you know how he is.  He can’t change from my real name to my guys name in such a short period of time.”

“He can, I mean it’s not so different from your old name.  We made sure Ian chose a name that wouldn’t be so different for Liam’s sake.  That and I made him repeat your guy name in his maths class over and over.  Trust me he’ll be fine,” Callum reasoned.  

“Okay,” Carly said before frowning, “Where is Liam anyway?  He always manages to catch me in the hall before I reach the Lunch room.”

“Oh yeah,” Callum sniggered, “He got called back in Math’s class because he answered a question by shouting out ‘Carl!’”

“No way,” Carly spluttered as uncontrollable laughter poured out of her mouth.

“Yeah but that wasn’t the worst of it,” Callum chuckled as he cocked his head back, a wide grin stretched across his lips, “When the teacher called him out on it he blurted that he – and I quote – ‘I really like Carl is all’.  His face was so red it was unbelievable!”

Carly couldn’t help but clutch onto Callum’s arm as laughter shook her body at her friend’s downfall.  Trust Liam to bodge something up like that.

Callum and Carly both entered into the Canteen still laughing, causing a fair few people to turn and look at them.  Unbeknownst to the looks they were receiving the two of them stumbled forward towards a bored looking Jasper.  Jasper had his chin propped up on his open palm studying his two friends with mild amusement as they resembled two drunks exiting from a party. 

“Hey Carl?”  Carly turned towards the voice as she wiped a stray tear from her eye, still grinning like a mad man.

“Yeah?”  She inquired not really paying attention to who was talking to her.

“Would you and your friends like to sit with us?”  Samantha asked as she bit into her red plump lips.

Carly – still grinning – frowned slightly only now realizing that it was Samantha.  She looked around the table to see Dylan, Lillian and the other airheads whose names Carly didn’t bother remembering.

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