Chapter Six:

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--Day two—

“Here you go Carl,” A voice sounded to Carly’s right causing her to jump in fear and hit her head at the top of Callum’s locker, “Shit sorry, probably not the best idea to sneak up on someone like that.”

Carly merely rubbed her head and sent Elliot a reassuring smile before acknowledging the bag he was holding out to her, “What’s this?”  She asked.

“Your soccer uniform,” He answered, “I know, I know you’re only doing try outs but it’s still compulsory to wear,” Carly nodded blushing slightly as her hand brushed his. 

“Guys don’t blush like young maidens Carly,” Jasper whispered in her ear, causing Carly to swat at his face.

“Okay, so I’m going to be inviting a few people from our year to watch, but other than that you have nothing to worry about except for blocking the ball from hitting the net,” Elliot said cheerfully, as he patted Carly’s shoulder.

He’s touching my shoulder!  Carly squealed in her head.  Later on she would berate herself for acting like a fawning woman, but for now she revelled in the fact that he was in touching distance.  His eyes. They’re so God damn beautiful.  I want to drown in them.  I want to stroke them.  Wouldn’t that hurt him?  Who cares? 

“Earth to Carl,” Callum said as he hit his knuckles on Carly’s head.

“Huh?”  She inquired as she was brought back to reality. 

“Carl, you really need to man up,” Callum muttered.

“You guys are missing a most vital point!”  Liam burst out clutching Carly’s and Callum’s arms.

“And what is that?”  Callum asked.

“Elliot said that he was going to invite some of his friends to try outs,” Liam said, staring at us with wide eyes as if he had just given us a bountiful of information.

Carly and Callum exchanged a look, “So?”  Carly asked.

“So?  So!?”  Liam burst, “Do you have any idea what that means?  Elliot is popular, when he says a few friends he means the whole freaking year,” He turned and started pointing at random people’s faces, “That means that she’s going to be there, he’s going to be there, that hot babe over there is going to be there.  A lot of damn people are going to be there!”

“Oh crap,” Callum sighed, “You’re just going to have to work extra hard in not making a complete fool of yourself and us.”

“Thanks for the reassuring advice there captain,” Carly muttered sarcastically, slamming Callum’s locker shut before stalking off.

Jasper, who had been watching the whole ordeal while leaning against a locker, winced in sympathy towards Callum, “You messed up there bro,” He said with a sigh, a small smirk cutting his cheeks as Callum turned to glare at him.


“Holy shit,” Callum whispered in horror.

“I told you!”  Liam cried clutching his hair in distress.

“This is a problem,” Jasper muttered showing signs of agitation.

“What’s so bad about it?”  Carly asked, looking at the stands where a large amount of students sat chatting amongst themselves.

The three boys snapped their heads towards Carly, who was staring at the stands with an uninterested expression.  Scratching the side of her nose she turned towards the guys, who were staring at her incredulously – in Jasper’s case his eyes were slightly wide – “What?”  She asked oblivious, her shoulders rising up into a clueless shrug.

“Carly do you not see all those students?”  Callum questioned, as he rubbed his temples.

Carly frowned and gave a quick glance towards the stands again, “Yeah, but I don’t see how that’s a problem.

“It’s a problem because our whole freaking year is sitting on those stands!”  Callum exploded, pointing an accusing finger to the problem at hand, “And you,” Here Callum turned his finger to point at her, “Are to blame for this predicament we’re in.”

“Me!?”  Carly spluttered, “What did I have to do with this?”

“Elliot asked the majority of his friends to come watch the try out,” Callum explained, “That’s fine, some of them wouldn’t have turned up and others would have stayed for a minute or so.  However, Elliot mentioned that you were coming and now everyone suddenly is curious on what the new kid - who is also drawing way too much attention from Samantha - has got, that the other male students in the school lack.  And trust me when they see you in all your short glory they’re going to think you’re just someone to pick on, especially when they see your shaved legs.”

Carly stared down at the white shorts she was wearing, “I’m a girl, I need to shave my legs.  How was I supposed to know that I had to wear shorts for this?  And besides, I’m not the only guy who shaved their legs,” She gave a pointed look towards Jasper.

“That was one time,” Jasper drew out as he tilted his head back in slight frustration.  

“With all those students watching you can’t mess up,” Liam chimed in, hugging himself and walking in small circles, his voice slightly high pitched due to his nerves, “Because if that happens not only will you embarrass yourself but you’ll embarrass us too.  Samantha will get a major bruise on her ego because her crush is a total loser.  This will cause her to get upset because people will think that she in turn is a loser.  Then – and this is the worst of it – Dylan, oh God Dylan, she’ll get mad that Samantha is upset and she’ll inflict harm on us.  How will we ever recover from the brutal onslaught that Dylan is most likely going to inflict upon us?”  At this point Liam had curled up into a ball on the grass and continued to mutter unintelligibly under his breath.     

Carly stared at Liam with a blank look, Callum looked even more stressed out and Jasper felt a sudden sweat break out on his forehead.  This was getting ridiculous, Carly thought in exasperation. 

“Okay, you guys need to calm down,” Carly said placing her hands up in a calming gesture, “I’ve played soccer before, I’m pretty sure that I can save at least two goals, I mean you guys made sure of that.”

The boys seemed to relax a bit, enough so that Liam moved from his miserable crouched form and to a more dignified standing position.  However, it all went downhill when someone decided to join the group. 

“Hey Carl are you ready?”  Elliot asked from behind her, making all four heads snap in his direction, “But I have to warn you, the on lookers seem more rowdy and brutal today.”

Liam crumpled to the floor again in a crying mess, Callum enveloped his face into his hands and Jasper suddenly felt extremely hot.  Carly’s eyes twitched slightly as she stared dully at the guys, Elliot took a step back in alarm from the three of them and stood, instead, next to Carly. 

“Did I say something wrong?”  Elliot asked, rubbing the back of his head anxiously.

“It’s best not to question it,” Carly replied.

“Ok...” Elliot said, “So are you coming?”  Carly nodded and followed Elliot quickly to the loud soccer field. 

“This had better be worth it,” Carly muttered.

“What was that?”  Elliot asked, tilting his head slightly in curiosity.

“Oh n-nothing,” Carly stuttered.

Elliot stared suspiciously at the blush that was slowly creeping across Carl’s cheeks.  Why is he always so nervous around me?  Elliot thought to himself but shook it off when he heard the shouts and cheers from the stands.          

Pull yourself together idiot!  Carly chastised herself; you don’t want him getting suspicious about your gender.  It’s only a month; you only need to last a month.

With that reassuring thought circling her head she jogged to catch up to Elliot and took in the full force of the audience. 

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