Chapter Sixteen:

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--Day Seventeen--

I – lift – freaking – lift – hate – lift – the – lift – Coach – lift.  Carly’s anger was slowly making her face turn red, well, that and the fact that she was doing sit ups.  She was at sixty two and with each lift she was cursing the Coach ever coming into existence. 

Unfortunately for Carly she had started her periods in the middle of the night, making her good mood take a nose dive from the top of a cliff and into a sea of acid.  She had been snapping at her three friends all day, who had realised her situation and had given her a wide berth in order to cool herself down.  Right now she was dealing with the brute force of the Coach as he had forced them down to the pitch and made them practise for the big game that was looming closer.  Carly respected that he was so committed in them to win, she really was, but the fact that he caused her to miss out on lunch – a vital subject for a girl in a her situation – to practise was pushing it a bit too far in her standards. 

“God damn it, why did he have to make us miss our lunch?”  Joshua whined when the Coach had his back turned. 

“Just shut up and get through it,” Benny hissed, “I’ve got a chocolate bar in my locker.”

“Thanks man, you don’t know how much I’m dying here-” Joshua started.

“Who says it’s for you?”  Benny cut him off with a cunning smirk.

The sounds of Joshua’s continuous whines and Benny’s attempt at making him shut up filled the ears of the soccer players. 

“I hope we win the game,” Carly puffed as she sat up from another sit up, “Just so I can shove that damn trophy up his ass.”

Elliot, Joshua, Benny, Daniel and Chris – who were in ear shot of the small male – turned rounded eyes on Carl.  “Jeez Carl are you on your period or something?”  Joshua joked.

“Yes,” Carly bluntly stated, not really caring about the consequences.

“Well plug it up,” Daniel said seriously, “If the Coach had heard what you said he’d have skinned you alive.”

“I’m past giving a fuck,” Carly muttered.

“Prisms!”  Coach shouted, “Did I say you could talk?”

“Oh will you just shut up!”  Carly shouted. 

Silence.  Never had anybody said something so disrespectful to the Coach in his whole teaching career.  Never.  In fact the only person who had had the balls to say anything reprimanding to the man was his Mother.  The soccer players all froze mid-sit up, their eyes wide and their skin pale as they looked towards their soon-to-be deceased goalie keeper.  They slowly turned wide eyes towards the Coach, their skin paling even more to the point that they resembled sheets of paper.  What scared the boys was that the Coach didn’t look angry nor shocked or even put out by the boy’s choice of words.  He looked calm, which was a terrible terrible expression to be placed on the Coach’s face.  It made what he was going to do next unpredictable. 

Carly sat in her place, the same look of rebellion was frozen on her face.  It wasn’t due to bravery – or even stupidity – but more to do with her being scared out of her mind.  Carly had never been more scared than she was in that very moment.

“I’m going to die aren’t I?”  Carly whispered.

“Without a doubt,” Joshua muttered back.

“Prisms,” Coach said lowly.

“Yes Coach?”  Carly answered, a sheepish smile cracking her previous expression.

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