Chapter Nineteen:

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--Day Twenty-Six--

“I have nothing to wear!”  Carly shouted.

“For the love of God,” Callum whispered, pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation, “Carly, we got you six bags full of clothing and you’re telling us that you cannot find a single item of clothing that you can wear?”

“Yes!”  Her muffled voice cried from her closet. 

Jasper and Liam watched the argument pan out while they sat silently on the bed.  Callum was wearing down the carpet by pacing the length of the room in a hopeless manner.  And Carly was throwing clothes out of her closet in a desperate manner, searching for something simple that a guy would wear to a party.  This carried on for ten minutes before a defeated Carly took the place where Jasper had been sitting on her bed.  Jasper had ventured from the comfortable bed and poked his head curiously into the closet.

“It’s hopeless,” Carly moaned, “I don’t know what a guy wears to a party!  I’ll just call Elliot and tell him I’m ill or some-” She started to come up with an excuse until a scratchy material was slapped unceremoniously into her face.  She peeled it off and was about to give the assaulter a piece of her mind when more clothes were thrown at her.

Finally the attack of clothes ceased and she was able to breathe, “Jasper.  What the fuck?”

“Wear those,” He said and then without a hint of remorse proceeded to push Carly off of the bed and onto the floor so that he could sit back comfortably in his place.

Carly was about to punch him in the face when she saw the clothes he had given – thrown – to her.  A dark black and blue plaid shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, a black waistcoat and a clip on bow.  Carly nodded at the choice of clothes, “Thanks Jasper.”

“Liam get her wig on, Jasper you go iron the clothes and I’ll go get the car started,” Callum commanded with a clap of his hands, “Right get to it!”


“Right you guys know the drill do not let Carly out of your sight,” Callum whispered as they watched said girl greeting her fellow soccer players, “If she’s with Dylan, Samantha, Lillian, Elliot or one of the soccer players then that’s fine, anyone else is a threat and will be dealt with immediately.”

“Are you guys coming or what?”  Carly asked, sticking her head back into the window suddenly.

The guys, who had their heads together at the time to whisper conspiratorially, jumped at the unexpected voice and hit their heads together.  They groaned as they clutched their injured heads, sending glares towards each other even though they knew they were all to blame for that one.

Carly snickered, “Come on losers.”

They stepped out of the car and followed the soccer players towards the house.  Apparently it was tradition for all of them to arrive at the same time; however seen as though Carly was late they were probably going to enter when the party was in full swing.  Not only that but they had to park their car a couple streets away from Adam’s house because there was nowhere to park. 

“Hey don’t you guys think there will be too much people in Adam’s house?  What with all the cars and all,” Carly asked her soccer team.

“House?”  Joshua guffawed, “Oh Carl that is so precious.”

“I don’t understand, what did I say that was so funny?” Carly frowned when everyone, except for Callum, Liam and Jasper, either chuckled or smiled at her comment.

“Why don’t you just see for yourself,” Benny said, nodding towards the house where music was pumping loudly.  House was probably the farthest description from what Carly, Liam, Callum and Jasper saw.  Three mansions put together was a more fitting way of describing it.

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