67 - Planetary (GO!)

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"If my velocity starts to make you sweat, then just don't let go. And if their heaven ain't got a vacancy, then we just, then we just, then we just.. then we just get up and go!" ~ Planetary (GO!) - My Chemical Romance

The sound of children playing, screaming and crying could be heard for miles on end. The trees swayed slowly in the cold wind, blowing leaves everywhere. Rochelle was sat on a bench, opposite the opening to the forest. She could swear that she could hear voices, the voices of her family. She was getting paranoid. Ellie was sat next to her, listening to the things Rochelle was quietly mumbling under her breath. Ellie was worried about the things she was muttering. Elizabeth was playing happily with all the other children, until one child screamed and ran out of the play area, screaming his head off. 
 "What's wrong with that kid?" Rochelle asked, harshly. Ellie shrugged as Elizabeth came running towards them, tears streaming down her bright pink face. "What's wrong, Elizabeth?" 
 "A man's in the forest.." Elizabeth said, sucking on her thumb slowly and quietly. 
 "There's lots of men in the forest, sweetie." Ellie nodded, putting her arm around her daughter, wiping the tears from her face. 
 "He was tall, and skinny!" Elizabeth explained, raising her hand above her head to show how tall he was. The colour drained from Rochelle's face, and she began to shake. "And his face was just white! He had no nose, mouth or eyes!" 
 "Ellie, Elizabeth, we have to get home, now!" Rochelle said, standing up and taking Elizabeth's hand, leading her away from the park and the crying children. Ellie followed slowly, checking behind her every minute. When they arrived home, they locked all the doors, and just sat in the living room in silence.  
 "Eliza, don't leave this house until the town says its safe." Ellie said, biting her lip, trying to stop the tears from falling. 
 "Ellie, what's wrong?" Rochelle asked, patting Ellie's back gently. 
 "T-that man Eliza's talking a-about.. He sound l-l-like the same man who took Rochelle... You." Ellie explained, wiping the tears from her eyes. Rochelle sighed.. She was so close to telling her.. So close. But, she knew she couldn't. 
 "I have to go somewhere and sort this out. I'll be back later.. If I'm not, don't bother looking for me.. I'll be with him." Rochelle gulped, walking towards the door. Ellie couldn't speak. She just watched as Rochelle walked out the door, away from her sight. Rochelle walked and walked until she was back at the deserted park. It was silent. The only thing that was to be heard were the voices in Rochelle's head, telling her what to do and what not to do.
 "Hello?" Rochelle called out, walking towards the forest opening. She could feel that they were here, around her somewhere. "I know your there!" She shouted walking further into the forest. She started to shiver as the wind began to blow harder. She heard voices, dark voices. One sounded much like Jeff, and another like her father. "Jeff?!" She yelled, desperately looking around for Jeff.  Suddenly, there was a rustle behind her. She swing herself around to face Jeff. "Jeff! Am I glad to see you.." She said, walking towards Jeff, a smile on her face. 
 "Rocky, turn back.. NOW! I don't want them taking you, I tried to stop them..I told them that you were happier alone. They wouldn't listen. His heart has disappeared, and he's back. Just go before you regret it!" Jeff shouted, almost in tears. Rochelle was confused.
 "Jeff, what do you mean?" She asked walking closer and closer to Jeff. He began to shake violently. "Jeff, speak to me. What's going on?" 
 "Rocky, leave now. I can't save you, you have to save yourself. I tried to stop him, but he wanted you back too much! Go, before you get hurt." Jeff said, a single tear falling down his cheek. Rochelle thought it must be serious if Jeff's crying. She had never seen him cry.. She didn't think he could, but he can.. 
 "Okay, Jeff, I'll go... But stay safe, okay? I don't know whats going on, but..." Rochelle couldn't finish her sentence so she just ran for it. She took a long, deep breath in and shut her eyes.. But they didn't open again.. 

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