74 - Alone Together

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"Let's be alone together, we could stay young forever!" ~ Alone Together - Fall Out Boy

 The sun was bursting through the windows in the small cottage. It was warm, unbelievably warm inside. Rochelle was trying to sleep the whole night, but she just couldn't. She didn't feel right. Maybe it was the bullet that had been in her body, or the fact that she was far away from the one she loved, she just couldn't sleep. No matter what she tried, her eyes would not stay shut. Morning soon came around though, and the cottage came to life. Rochelle lay on the hard bed she was on for several hours until someone came up to her. 
 "Morning, darling!" Taya said as she entered the room, carrying a tray with sausages, bacon and eggs on. Rochelle looked at it all, and of course, didn't feel hungry at all. What she wanted right now was a fat, juicy kidney.  
 "Good morning." Rochelle replied as Taya placed the tray on her lap. Rochelle smiled at Taya who then smiled back. "Thank you so much."
 "Anything, darling." Taya answered, sitting on the end of the bed, picking her knitting up off the floor. "Did you sleep well?"
 "Yes, thank you." Lies. Rochelle has never been good at telling lies, but she hoped this one went okay. She didn't want to see ungrateful.
 "Oh, good.. good." Taya muttered, working on her knitting; a mess of purple and pink wool. 
 "Um, do you think I'll be able to go home today? You know, so I can see my family?" Rochelle asked, taking a tiny bite from an egg, trying not to make a face as she discovered she did not like the tangy taste of it. 
 "Yes, I do think so. Who's your family? Maybe I know them. Or Tyler might. He knows a lot of the villagers in this town." Taya smiled again, looking up from the knitting, waiting for Rochelle's answer. 
 "Well, there's Elizabeth and Andy, and then my ..urh.. mother, Ellie. My.... father died a few weeks ago, Matt." Rochelle said, forcing the egg to go down her throat even though she did not like the taste of it. Like I said, she didn't want to seem ungrateful. 
 "Oh.. dear... Darling, you haven't heard yet?" Taya asked, her face suddenly going pale as she dropped her knitting. 
 "No, what? What's happened?" Rochelle asked in reply, her heart beating fast. What if something terrible has happened to them? she thought, looking at Taya for her answer. 
 "The-they were murdered two or t-three nights ago. I am ever so sorry, Rochelle." Taya said, several tears falling from her eyes. Rochelle's heart stopped beating. She could feel tears prick in the back of her eyes. They can't be dead.. The tears poured down her cheeks, hitting the bedsheets. 
 "How d-d-did they d-d-d-d-die?" Rochelle stuttered as Taya pulled her into a tight embrace. 
 "Murder. They were found in the beds, their kidney's missing and several stab wounds across their chests. Poor lads." Taya said, wiping the tears from Rochelle's cheeks. 
 "I-I have to go, and find my boyfriend. Thank you Taya, and thank Tyler for me too." Rochelle said, climbing out of bed and running downstairs and out the front door, her head in her hands. 
 Rochelle ran for a little while until she began to ache  and she had to sit down.
 "Urgh, why now?" Rochelle muttered to herself as she settled down on a rock, hugging herself. She sniffled and wiped the remainder of tears from her cheeks. The sun began to fade behind several trees and Rochelle knew she had to get home before it turned dark. She got up, and continued to run, not caring about the intense pain from her stomach. After several minutes of running, she heard something behind herself. She spun around to face nothing. "Hello?" She called out into the dark clutter of trees behind her. Nothing again. 
 "Rocky?" Came a voice from the sky. Rochelle looked up only to see the sky getting darker every second. "Rocky, up here! In the tree!" The voice shouted again and Rochelle looked to the sky again. There, sat in the tallest tree, was Jeff, covered in crimson coloured blood, holding a knife. 
 "Jeff! Thank god I found you. I'm scared. I'm in pain. And I'm freezing!" Rochelle shouted up to Jeff as Jeff came tumbling down the tree. "You okay?"
 "I'm fine, and why are you in pain? Are you going into labor?!" Jeff asked, suddenly having a panic attack. 
 "I don't know, do I? I'm not due for like a month or two. Can we just get home?" Rochelle asked in reply. Jeff nodded, picked Rochelle up and began walking, struggling to carry Rochelle. 
 "Wow, your heavy." Jeff chuckled as they walked towards the mansion, laughing with each other.

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