27 - There's a Hell, believe me, I've seen it.

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Jeff was nervous. You could tell. His hands were shaking, his legs were shaking too. His lips quivered as he dug his hands into his hoodie pocket and looked towards his feet. Slender Man was worried. He wasn't to know what Jeff was going to ask, no one knew  that except Jeff. Rochelle just stared at Jeff, watching as Jeff dropped onto one of his knees and pulled a velvet red box out of his pocket which happened to be covered in blood. No surprise there. Slender Man knew exactly what Jeff was going to say now. BEN, Laughing Jack and Eyeless Jack all looked at Jeff in shock and amazement. Was he really? they all thought. 

 "Rocky," Jeff began to say, looking up at Rochelle who just stood still, watching Jeff, her hands covering her mouth. "W-will you marry me? Or at least stay with me forever?" Jeff asked, his smile wider than ever. Rochelle just stood in shock. She was speechless.. Which is understandable. Jeff looked down at the box in his hand, realized it wasn't open and quickly popped it open. BEN was crying into Eyeless Jack's shoulder. He was way too emotional. Rochelle slowly nodded as her father began to speak. 

 "Jeffrey, what do you think you are doing? Proposing to a sixteen year old girl?! Is that really how you want to spend your life? With my daughter?" Slender Man asked, slapping Jeff. Jeff groaned and nodded. 

 "Yes, Slendy, I do. She's an amazing girl, and she is not your daughter in case you don't remember?" Jeff replied, clicking his fingers like a sass master. (Hell yeah). 

 "W-what do you mean?" Slender Man stuttered for the first time in his 'new' life. 

 "You know what I mean.. Rocky, has you 'dad' ever told you about how he found you?" Jeff asked, turning to Rochelle. Rochelle nodded.

 "Yeah, he adopted me." She replied, smiling as she picked the golden ring out of the box and put it on her finger. Jeff smiled, but it wasn't over yet. 

 "Well, maybe your 'dad' should tell you the proper truth.. And then I might tell you about my brother." Jeff answered, looking at Slender Man with a smirk. 

 "Dad, tell me.. You wouldn't keep a secret from me, would you?" Rochelle asked sweetly, smiling at her father. 

 "Jeffrey, I am going to kill you. Okay, Rochelle.. I didn't really adopt you.. Well, I kind of did, but I didn't. I was out hunting one night when a few women entered the forest, laughing and chuckling away with a baby in one of their arms. I scared them and they ran off, leaving the baby in the forest.. That baby was you.. and those women were nurses..." Slender Man explained. Rochelle just stared at her so called father in disbelief. "I'm sorry, Rochelle.. I didn't want to hurt you by telling you."

 "Dad, whoever you are, why? Why did you take me? That's not like you?" Rochelle asked, tiny red tears falling down her cheeks as she spoke. 

 "I-I ask myself the same question, but I'm glad I did take you because I love you like a daughter. I'm proud of you." Slender Man replied. Rochelle nodded, wiping the tears from her face and looking at the blood covered ring on her finger. 

 "I forgive you, dad." Rochelle smiled, hugging Slender Man. BEN just looked and continue to cry. It was pretty funny to watch, BEN. "Now, can we please go back to the mansion?" Rochelle asked, grabbing Jeff's hand and kissing his cheek. I guess this was a happy ending, but it's not over yet. 

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