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( July 15, 2200, a hospital in Japan.)

Currently, there is a young woman with short blonde hair, yellow eyes with reptile-like slits in them, and sharp teeth. On a hospital bed in labor, she is trying to give birth to her child.

"Ok, Ms.Tatsuma, your nearly done. Just a few more pushes and you will have brought your child into this world." The Doctor says.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Ryuko screams as she pushes to try and finish giving birth. "Oh, for the love of God, it hurts. Just get him out!!" Ryuko says as she pushes with all her might and clenches her teeth. "NII AHRAAN!!" Ryuko shouts in Dovahzul, which no one understands. The doctor and the nurses in the room look at her and blink a few times in confusion.

Soon Ryuko lets out one last push, and soon the sound of a baby crying fills the room, and the doctor hands the baby to a nurse to clean and wrap him in a blanket. The nurse gives the baby to its mother, and Ryuko smiles at her newborn son. "So Ms. Tatsuma, what will you name him?" The Doctor asks.

Ryuko looks at her child and smiles, taking in his features, he has blonde hair in his left side and black hair on his right, his right eye is yellow, and his eye left is red."I'll name him Izuku." Ryuko says and rubs his cheek with her index finger making Izuku giggle. Soon everything around them starts to slow down and eventually freezes in places. The only ones not affected by this are Izuku and Ryuko.

"I think that's a fine human name, but I believe he also needs a dragon name, Ryuko." A voice says.

Ryuko starts to look around and holds Izuku close to her protectively. "Who's there?, how do you know my name?, show yourself!, even if I just gave birth I will defend my son!" Ryuko yells.

"Calm yourself, child. I will not harm you or the Dovahkiin. I'll reveal myself." The voice says. Soon there's a bright golden light in the room, and a dragon made out of light is in the room.

 Soon there's a bright golden light in the room, and a dragon made out of light is in the room

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(Ignore the background, and imagine it made out of light.)

"I'm am Akatosh, the Dragon God of Time." Akatosh says.

"Wait Dovahkiin?, I thought the last Dovahkiin died thousands of years ago." Ryuko says.

"Just how the father of the  child was supposed to have died but is somehow alive?" Akatosh says.

"So my son will have to face his father in a battle? And I'm guessing it will be to the death?" Ryuko says, and Akatosh nods.

"I can sense that the child is powerful; he will be a force to be recorded with. But enough about that, if you would permit, I would like to give him a name in Dovahzul." Akatosh says. Ryuko simply nods. "Let's see. I believe Jer, would be a fitting name for this boy. He will be known as Jer, the Dragon of the east." Akatosh says.

"Jer, I like it. Thank you, my Lord, I'll pray to you every day." Ryuko says with a smile

"Well, for that, you'll need a shrine of mine, but wait until your out of the hospital, and I'll teleport two shrines to you. One for your house and the other to your agency, more specifically your office. But before I leave, I have two parting gifts." Akatosh says. Soon there are two bright lights, and two amulets of Akatosh appear.

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