Childhood and Teen Dovah

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It's been four years since Izuku was born, and he and his mother have lived a peaceful life. His mother has climbed through the ranks of the Pro hero's, she currently holds the number 5 spot, but to Izuku, she will always be number one. Today she and Izuku are at a Doctors appointment to find out what his quirk might be. But deep down, Ryuko knew what it could be. 'He could have all the powers of the dovahkiin, or my quirk, hell he could have a combination of both.' Ryuko thinks to herself. She looks over at Izuku, who is currently playing with some other kids and smiles. A nurse walks out and calls Izuku's name.

"Izuku Tatsuma, the Doctor will see you now." The nurse says.

Ryuko gets up from her chair and walks over to Izuku. "Izuku sweetheart, it's time to go see the doctor."  Ryuko says with a smile on her face and her hand out.

Izuku looks up and smiles. "Oh, ok, mommy. Izuku says happily and gets up and holds his mother's hand and walks with her to the examination room. Once they enter, Ryuko sets Izuku on a chair, and she sits down next to him.

After a few minutes, the Doctor walks in. "Hello, I'm Doctor. Haruno. This must be little Izuku." Dr. Haruno says and ruffles Izuku's hair. She makes her way to her chair and sits down, and she opens the file in her hand. "Let's see here, well, it appears that Izuku here has two quirks, one is similar to yours, but it's a superior version instead of going full dragon all the time he can manifest the parts he needs, he will be able to go full dragon too. He will also get the sharp teeth, and reptile-like slits in his eyes like you have Ms. Tatsuma. His second quirk, though, is something I can't place, all I know is that it's ancient. Anyways his quirks should manifest within the next 12-24 hours." Dr. Haruno says with a smile.

(Time skip, the next day.)

Izuku has just woken up and smells food that is being made by his mother. "Something smells good." Izuku says happily and gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Once he's done brushing his teeth, he heads to the kitchen and gets up on the chair. "Good morning, mommy." Izuku says happily.

Ryuko turns around with a smile on her face good morning sweetheart, how did you sleep?" Ryuko asks with a soft smile as she places the food on a plate.

"I slept good mommy, thanks for asking." Izuku says with a smile, as Ryuko walks over with two plates of food and places his food in front of him. Izuku looks over at Ryuko and smiles. "Thank you, mommy." Izuku says and starts to eat. Soon Ryuko notices something about Izuku and gasps. "What's wrong, mommy?" Izuku asks, hearing his mothers gasp.

Ryuko takes her phone out of her pocket and puts the front-facing camera on her phone and hands it to Izuku. "Look, sweetheart, I think one of your quirks activated." Ryuko says with a smile on her face. Izuku looks at himself in his mother's phone and smiles his yellow right eye, and red left eye have a reptile-like slit in them, and his teeth have become sharp just like his mother's.

Izuku smiles widely. "So cool, I can't believe this." Izuku says happily. Then he feels a sneeze coming on, but instead of sneezing, something else happens. "Fus Ro Dah!" Izuku says and not only do all the plates on the table go flying, but so does Izuku. "Mommy, I think both of my quirks activated." Izuku says form his embedded position in the wall.

(Time skip ten years.)

Izuku has grown to be 6'0, he has mid-length hair, a muscular, athletic body, and almost no baby fat on his face or body.

Izuku is currently sitting at his desk in his middle school classroom, he is thinking about asking the beauty of his school out, Momo Yaoyorozu. Izuku has had a crush on Momo since their first year of middle school. "So, are you going to ask her out or what son the number 5 hero Ryukyu?" Izuku's best friend asks.

"Why do you want to know son of the number 2 hero Endeavor? Do you want to be a best man and uncle already?" Izuku asks his friend with a small smile showing off his sharp teeth.

"Maybe I do, Izuku, so did your recommendation for UA go through?" Shoto asks.

"Of course, much to my protest, but mom made an excellent point my quirks are way to strong, I wouldn't give the other kids a chance." Izuku says with a heavy sigh.

"Same with me,my father forced me to take it." Shoto says.

"I haven't seen him in a while. I should pay him a visit, is he still scared of me?" Izuku asks

"Yeah, he is. I mean, you did beat him to the next century." Shoto says with a small laugh.

Soon the teacher walks in. "Alright, everyone settle down, I'm supposed to hand out these aptitude tests, but I know all of want to be hero's!" The teacher says, and many students cheer in excitement. "Be quiet!, now there are three students that got into UA by recommendation, these students are Momo Yaoyorozu, Shoto Todoroki, and last but not least Izuku Tatsuma." The teacher says.

"The school's Dragon Prince got into UA? Now I definitely need to get in." A female student says.

"But so did the ice/fire Prince. I need to get in and make sure I make him mine!" Another female student says.

"Well, I'm sorry to burst some bubbles, but I'm interested in some already." Izuku says.

"What?!" All the female students in the class shout, including Momo.

'He loves someone else? So the boy I love has slipped through my fingers.' Momo thinks to herself

"Who is it?!" the females ask angrily.

"Want to find out?" Izuku asks with a smirk.

The entire-class nods wanting to see who the Dragon Prince of the school is in love with. "Ok, but girls, you have to promise you won't be jealous or try anything." Izuku says and gets nods in return. Izuku gets up from his seat and walks over to Momo's desk. He stops In front of it. He brings his hand up, and he then uses his index finger to raise her chin to face him gently. "So Yaoyorozu, want to go out?" Izuku asks with a smile.

Silence fills the room as the class waits for Yaoyorozu's response. Momo blinks a few times as she is still in shock. "YES, I WOULD LOVE TO!!!" Momo says happily and then looks around at all the shocked faces of her classmates. "I mean....yes Tatsuma, I would love to go out with you." Momo says.

"Please call me Izuku." Izuku says and kisses Momo's hand.

Momo explodes in a crimson blush, and steam comes out of her ear. "T-then call me Momo." Momo says with a slight stutter

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