Sludge villian & shopping

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The manhole cover shoots up in the air embedding itself into the ceiling of the tunnel. The series of events cause Izuku to turn around and assume a battle stance, just as what appears as living sludge comes out of the sewers.

 The series of events cause Izuku to turn around and assume a battle stance, just as what appears as living sludge comes out of the sewers

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"Well, well, look at this. You sure are determined. I think you will make the perfect meat shield for me." The villain says with a smirk and laughs.

"Look, booger boy, I'm not going to be your meat shield, so why don't you run along before you get hurt." Izuku says and stares at the villain, not showing an ounce of fear towards the villain.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR THAT INSULT!" The sludge villain yells and starts to launch a series of attacks towards Izuku, who simply dodges them and does a few flips to get some distance from him.

"Look, this is getting boring, so I'm going to finish this." Izuku says and gets into a position to attack. "FUS RO DAH!" Izuku shouts, and a powerful wave of bluish energy hits the villain, splattering him all over the walls of the tunnel.

"That was unexpected. I thought he was going to go flying like Uncle All Might that one time, but I guess him being made of sludge resulted in this." Izuku says to himself.

Before turning his back this time, Izuku decides to check and make sure that there will be no more surprises for him. "Laas Yah Nir." Izuku says in a whisper, and a red aura appears

Izuku looks down beneath him and can see a giant red blur running towards the direction of opened manhole

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Izuku looks down beneath him and can see a giant red blur running towards the direction of opened manhole. "Grate another one." Izuku says and gets into position again. Soon a blur of what Izuku can assume is a man jumps out of the manhole, and Izuku gets ready for another attack. "Li..." Izuku starts to say but cuts himself off when he gets a good look at the man.

"Have no fear, because I am here!" All might yells and smiles widely with his eyes closed.

Izuku pinches the bridge of his nose and sigh. "Uncle All Might." Izuku says with a hint of annoyance and anger, making said man stiffen and look in Izuku direction, chuckling. "You got careless again, didn't you?" Izuku asks and looks at All Might with his eye slits becoming narrower.

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